Sep 23, 2024  
2019-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Civil Engineering

  • CVEN 5750 - Stability and Vibrations of Structures (3)

    Bending of prismatic bars under simultaneous action of axial and lateral loads, harmonic motion, free and force vibrations of one-degree of freedom systems with and without damping. Systems with two or more degrees of freedom, vibration of rods and beams. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3410 or equivalent.
  • CVEN 5760 - Advanced Indeterminate Structures (3)

    Analysis of indeterminate structures, including multi-story frames, bearing wall and shear wall buildings. Analysis of entire structure. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3410 or equivalent.
  • CVEN 5770 - Theory of Plates and Shells (3)

    Elements of plate-bending. Analysis of circular and rectangular plates by classical, finite difference, and finite element methods. An introduction to membrane theory of shells. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3120 or equivalent.
  • CVEN 5780 - Finite Element Analysis (3)

    Theoretical basis of finite element method. Elements for use in the solution of two and three dimensional stress problems, plate bending and shell problems. Development of computer programs utilizing plane stress conditions. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3120 or equivalent.
  • CVEN 5790 - Reinforced Masonry Design (3)

    Design of masonry elements with emphasis on reinforced masonry, including the design of beams, columns, walls, and footings. Structural analysis and design of masonry building. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3440 or equivalent.
  • CVEN 5800 - Advanced Steel Design (3)

    Advanced topics in structural steel design, including composite design, build-up beams, plate girders, and moment resisting column base plates. Introduction to design of roof trusses, rigid frames, bridges, and multistory buildings. Structural analysis and design of steel structure. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3440 or equivalent.
  • CVEN 5820 - Principles of Design (3)

    Development of design theories; design for manufacturability; evaluation of design; redesign principles; case studies.

Electrical Engineering

  • EECE 5000 - Statistical Communication Theory (3)

    Application of principles of probability theory and random processes to the analysis and design of digital communication systems: continuous and discrete random variables; spectral density functions of digital signals. Probability of per-bit error of detection of baseband and passband signals; word error rates. Operations view of communication systems; blocking and delay probabilities. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3500 or equivalent.
  • EECE 5010 - Information Theory (3)

    The intuitive concepts of information measure and transmission are given a sound theoretical basis. The Shannon Theory of Information is studied, including the notion of entropy, source and channel coding, and capacity. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3500 or equivalent.
  • EECE 5020 - Optimization Methods for Engineering Design (3)

    Computerized design methods for optimization techniques and formulation of optimization. Problems using design variables and design constraints. Constrained and unconstrained minimization techniques using gradient and direct methods, special redesign directions for simplified analysis.
  • EECE 5030 - Artificial Neural Networks (3)

    Introduction to Neural Networks, its development history, concept of connectionism, neuron models, structure of neural networks, learning strategies, content addressable memory, design and applications of neural networks and other pertinent topics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 3120, ENGR 3400 or equivalent.
  • EECE 5100 - Computer Structures (3)

    Microcomputer structure and programming, including memory operation, bus configurations, instruction formats, register operations, addressing modes and I/O operations. Medium and large scale computer structure . Design and programming of microcomputers. Prerequisite(s): 2230 and EECE 3100.
  • EECE 5120 - Computer Networks and Distributed Processing (3)

    Introduction to computer communication networks, including layered architecture and protocols, date link, network and transport layers, routing and multiple access algorithms, local area network standards, hardware and software aspects of interfacing digital system components.
  • EECE 5220 - Modern Signal Processing (3)

    Parametric representation of discrete random signals, ARMA, Lattice, and State Space models; AR, MA, and ARMA spectral estimation; Levinson, Lattice and Kalman filters; Time-frequency transformations of random signal. Applications in radar, sonar and biomedical systems. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3200.
  • EECE 5230 - Digital Image-Processing (3)

    This course covers the principal methods for representing, sorting, processing, coding, transmitting and analyzing of images by means of digital computers. Sampling theorems, image transforms, image enhancement and restoration, frequency domain and spatial domain techniques, image coding and transmission, and image segmentation and description are discussed. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3200. Computer programming course or consent of instructor.
  • EECE 5240 - Digital Communication (3)

    Digital communication concepts, channel characterization, base-band pulse transmission, coherent and non-coherent digital signaling, inter symbol interference, base-band shaping, equalization, synchronization and detection, error-control codes, modems, and terminals. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3300, 3500 or equivalent.
  • EECE 5300 - Computer Applications to Power Systems (3)

    Computer methods are used for the formation of system characteristics such as Z-bus, Y-bus and others. The system load flow and fault studies for system design and planning are formulated with computer methods emphasized. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3420.
  • EECE 5310 - Power System Relaying (3)

    Fundamentals of relaying design and operation of protective schemes for generators, transformers, transmission and distribution circuits. Analysis of relay operation during abnormal system conditions. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3420.
  • EECE 5320 - Surge Phenomena in Power Engineering (3)

    Traveling wave principles for analysis of overvoltages. Methods of protection against overvoltage due to lighting, ground wire shielding, system and tower grounding, lighting arresters. Dynamic overvoltages switching phenomena and system recovery voltages. Coordination of insulation and protective devices. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3420.
  • EECE 5330 - Special Topics in Power Engineering (3)

    The selected important areas of electric power systems as power system stability, economic dispatch and/or power system control, system reliability, etc., will be discussed.
  • EECE 5600 - Optimal Control Methods for Engineering Design (3)

    Modeling of dynamics, actuators, sensors and criteria of goodness; state variable models, dynamic linearization methods, controllability, observability and stability. Closed loop design using observers and pole allocation methods, optimum control problems. Maximum principle and dynamic programming. The deterministic linear quadratic design problem. Applications to process control and air traffic control. Prerequisite(s): EECE 4000.
  • EECE 5610 - Stochastic Estimation Methods for Engineering Design (3)

    The linear Kalman Bucy filter, non-linear filtering, the extended Kalman filter, and second order filters. Structure of stochastic feedback control system. Interplay between modeling issues and mathematical design. Practical aspects of compensator realization. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 5300 .
  • EECE 5630 - Modern Control Systems (3)

    Analysis and design of multi-variable systems; matrix theory, state variable and state space analysis and design, Cayley-Hamilton Theory, continuous-time and discrete-time domain analysis and design, intrinsic properties of controllability and observability, stability analysis of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems with direct method of Lyapunov. Prerequisite(s): EECE 4000 or equivalent.
  • EECE 5640 - Advanced Topics in Control Systems (3)

    Methods for design and analysis of stationary and time-varying control systems are presented. Advanced control system design techniques such as observability and controllability using state-space representation are emphasized. Adaptive, optimal, and robust control system designs are also studied. Artificial Intelligence approaches to controller system designs are introduced. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 5200 - Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems (3)  or equivalent.
  • EECE 6220 - Robust Control Theory (3)

    Introduction to the theory and techniques of Robust Control. The three distinct and major problem areas to be covered are the parametric approach, the H• theory and the L1 theory. As linear system basics, topics include stability, performance, robustness, stable factorization and YJBK parameterization, and approximation of linear systems. In the parametric approach, topics include Kharitonov’s theorem, parametric stability margins, polytopic systems, generalized Kharitonov’s theorem, edge theorem, mapping theorem as well as mixed uncertainty problems. In H• theory, topics include small gain theorem, Nevanlinna-Plok interpolations and factorization theory, various H• control problems, and DGKF solution. H•/H2 optimal control, and L1 optimal control problem are also covered in this course.
  • EECE 6230 - Nonlinear Control Systems (3)

    Introduction to the concepts of nonlinear control systems. Topics include nonlinear system representation, nonlinear transformation, phase plane analysis, linearization and local stability, Lyapunov direct method, Lyapunov analysis for non-autonomous systems, positive linear systems, passivity in linear systems, absolute stability and Popov criterion, and feedback linearization.
  • EECE 6250 - Digital Spectral Analysis (3)

    Review of classical parametric models of random processes and spectral estimation methods, autoregressive spectral estimation: block data algorithms and sequential data algorithms, autoregressive-moving average spectral estimation, Prony’s method, minimum variance spectral estimation and eigen analysis based frequency estimation. Prerequisite(s): EECE 5220  or equivalent.
  • EECE 6260 - Pattern Recognition and Classification (3)

    Fundamental problems in pattern recognition system design, design of learning and adaptive machines, elementary decision theory, classification rules, pattern classification by distance functions and likelihood functions, deterministic and statistical approach to trainable pattern classifiers, pattern preprocessing and feature selection, elements of syntactic pattern recognition and adaptive classifiers, Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
  • EECE 7200 - Statistical Signal Processing (3)

    Introduction to random process, detection and estimation theory, maximum variance unbiased estimation, Cramer-Rao lower bound, general minimum variance unbiased estimation, best linear unbiased estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, Least square methods of estimation, method of moments: second moments analysis, Bayesian philosophy and Bayesian estimators, and applications to communications and radar systems. Pre-requisite: EECE 5220 and graduate level probability and statistics. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3200.
  • EECE 7210 - Adaptive Control Systems (3)

    Introduction and overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of adaptive control. Topics include real-time parameter estimation, deterministic self-tuning regulators, model reference adaptive control, auto tuning, gain scheduling, and robust systems. Some new results in adaptive neural networks are included.
  • EECE 7220 - Intelligent Control Systems (3)

    Study analysis and design of intelligent control systems using soft computing methodologies. Concept of intelligent systems, neural network architectures such as; recurrent neural networks, CMAC neural networks, radial basis function (RBF) networks, and reinforcement learning. The concept of fuzzy logic, fuzzy inference systems (FIS), and artificial neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) will be introduced. Applications of intelligent control system to autonomous robots, flight control and other intelligent machines will be presented.
  • EECE 7230 - Adaptive Filtering and Stochastic Control Systems (3)

    Wiener filter theory, linear prediction, adaptive transversal filters using gradient-vector estimation, Kalman filter theory and its applications to transversal filters, method of least squares, adaptive transversal filters using recursive least squares, design of adaptive estimator and control systems. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

Engineering & Computational Sciences

  • ENCS 5300 - Fundamentals of Nanomaterials (3)

    This course focuses on the chemical, physical and mathematical concepts that describe and explain the properties of matter at the nano-scale. It will emphasize the fundamental chemistry, physics, and mathematics needed to understand the molecular driving forces underlying self-assembly processes and the methods used to characterize the resulting nanomaterials. It will also cover applications of nanomaterials.
  • ENCS 6010 - Advanced Applied Mathematics (3)

    This course covers advanced mathematical topics including linear algebra, numerical methods, Fourier Analysis, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, and algebraic structures, with special emphasis on applications in engineering and computational sciences.
  • ENCS 6020 - Advanced Computing (3)

    This course provides fundamental knowledge, skills, and tools for the computation undertaken on high-end computers, computer networks, or personal computers. The topics include: programming and programming languages; data structures, algorithms and computational complexity; high performance computing; distributed computing; optimizations; statistical data analysis; computational error analysis. Selected engineering applications of advanced computing techniques will also be covered
  • ENCS 6030 - Modeling and Simulation of Cyber Physical Systems (3)

    The principles of modeling, simulation and design, including establishment of specifications and conducting analysis of cyber-physical systems consisting of devices communicating with one another and interacting with the physical world via sensors and actuators are studied. Topics include synchronous and asynchronous models as well as timed model, safety and liveness requirements, and real-time scheduling. Some aspects of modeling and simulation of dynamics systems and hybrid systems are also studied.
  • ENCS 6110 - Advanced Robotic Systems (3)

    This course primarily presents a review of robot transformations, kinematics, dynamics, differential motion, motion and path planning, manipulation and mobility control. Advanced topics include: multi-robot system cooperative and collaborative task planning and execution, robotic sensors interfacing and integration, passive and active sensing, processing, and reasoning. Student will have opportunity to learn about robotic software, sensors, and hardware thru laboratory hands-on projects.
  • ENCS 6120 - Mechatronics Systems Design (3)

    This course is aimed to cover from preliminary knowledge of mechatronics theories to a project-based mechatronic system design. The multidisciplinary content of this course include: mechanisms, electronics, sensors, control strategies with software, firmware, and hardware in the control loop. This course also discusses techniques and skills related to integrating mechatronics systems with sensors, robotics systems, programmable logic controller (PLC), and man-machine interfaces. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to tackle multidisciplinary engineering design projects requiring tight integration of mechatronics components and sub-components in support of embedded electromechanical mechanism and control systems.
  • ENCS 6200 - Engineering Design Optimization (3)

    Computerized design methods for optimization techniques. Formulation of optimization problems using design variables and constraints. Problem solving with mathematical models, deterministic optimization methods in operations research, linear programming models, simplex method, duality and sensitivity in linear programming. Nonlinear optimization and multi-objective function optimization, constrained and unconstrained problems.
  • ENCS 6210 - Engineering Management And Quality Control (3)

    This course is an introduction to the engineering management strategies applied on the project and organization level in different engineering fields such as construction, manufacturing and energy management. It also introduces traditional methodologies and techniques applied in quality control of engineering projects.
  • ENCS 6260 - Engineering Statistics And Probability (3)

    The course discusses and applies rigorous and systematic statistical methods for solving applied science problems, identification of the empirical setting of the research problem and methodology, data management, choice of statistical, and analysis mechanics and ability of student to use statistical analysis tools for solving engineering problems. Different statistical modeling approaches will be covered (linear, categorical, generalized, time series, survival models, etc.) using statistical analysis software packages and interpreting statistical results.
  • ENCS 6280 - Finite System Analysis (3)

    Theoretical basis of finite element method. The physical and mathematical modeling using various element types. Application to various engineering problems. Application of commercial FAE software to solving complex engineering problems.
  • ENCS 6300 - Micro- and Nano-fabrication and Characterization Techniques (3)

    This course presents the fundamental principles and techniques used in fabricating micro- and nano-scale structures and devices including lithography, oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, and methods of film deposition and etching. Further, an overview of the characterization of materials and micro-/nano-scale structures, measurement techniques, and packaging will also be covered. Future trends and challenges in micro-/nano-device manufacturing will also be discussed.
  • ENCS 6410 - Transportation Facilities Evaluation and Design (3)

    Analysis of quantity, capacity, quality and accessibility of transportation systems, concepts and applications of transportation facilities. Public and non-motorized transportation, decision-making techniques in transportation planning and economic analysis of transportation systems. Design, construction, maintenance and management of transportation structures.
  • ENCS 6420 - Transportation and Environmental Sustainability (3)

    Evaluation of transportation and environmental engineering relationship; transportation impact to land use and growth management; transportation and environmental impacts, equity and policies; the role of non-motorized and transit transportation to sustainability; environmental justice; alternative fuel; autonomous and connected vehicles; complete streets, environmental and energy policies; air pollution and vehicle emission estimation models; green-house gases and climate change.
  • ENCS 6430 - Pavement, Environmental and Ground Water Design (3)

    Evaluation of transportation and environmental engineering relationship; transportation impact to land use and growth management; transportation and environmental impacts, equity and policies; the role of non-motorized and transit transportation to sustainability; environmental justice; alternative fuel; autonomous and connected vehicles; complete streets, environmental and energy policies; air pollution and vehicle emission estimation models; green-house gases and climate change.
  • ENCS 6440 - Environmental and Transportation Risk Analysis (3)

    Statistical Applications for Transportation Safety and Environmental Risk Assessment. Statistical methods used to determine the nature and extent of the problem, evaluate the potential environmental risks; theory, evaluation, analytic and techniques for quantifying the potential effects on transportation and environmental impact risks.
  • ENCS 6530 - Analysis of Modern Energy Conversion and Conservation Systems (3)

    This course will cover energy needs; Energy sources - Fossil Fuel, Nuclear Energy, Coal; Green and Renewable Energy sources - Hydrogen, Solar energy, Wind, Geothermal, Biomass and Ethanol. Energy conversion systems - photovoltaic power conversion, wind turbine generators, fuel cells, battery storage systems, and power electronics. Energy saving methods and analysis. Smart power grid design and analysis will also be presented.
  • ENCS 6620 - Data Mining (3)

    This course will expose the students to the principles of data mining and data analytics. The fundamentals of data warehousing and architectures, multidimensional data model, statistical and machine learning techniques and implementations will be covered. Data mining and data analysis approaches such as classification, estimation, prediction, clustering, data visualization, statistical inference and learning, and database management will also be discussed. Students will learn the use of a statistical or mathematical programming language for the purpose of performing the tasks in data mining and data analysis. Prerequisite(s): ENCS 6010
  • ENCS 6800 - Introduction to Cyber Security (3)

    This course introduces cyber security, focusing on the interdisciplinary aspects of the field from theory to practical implications. The course presents the growth from information security, cyber security theory. It will present the relationships of cyber security to people, societies, organizations and countries. Various technologies and tools will be presented for a basis for analysis of cyber threats and their mitigation. Case studies at various levels of impact will be discussed.
  • ENCS 6960 - Digital and Computer Communications (3)

    This course provides an in-depth understanding of the modern digital and computer communications for wired and wireless applications. The topics include channel characterization; baseband and passband data transmission; optimum transmitter-receiver design; synchronous and asynchronous data exchange; synchronization and detection; spread spectrum; multiplexing; diversity; multiple antennas and space-time communications; digital signaling; channel capacity; error-control codes; Open System Interconnection models; cellular concept and implementation; modern wired and wireless communications standards; and protocols such as TCP/IP and UDP. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3500 or equivalent.
  • ENCS 7070 - Professional Development and Ethics (0)

    This course will introduce PhD students to ethical issues related to the research enterprise and the responsible conduct of research, it will also cover topics related to professional development and preparation for careers in academia, research, and industry.
  • ENCS 7080 - PhD Seminar (0)

  • ENCS 7090 - Dissertation Courses (24)

  • ENCS 7100 - Artificial Intelligence Robotics (3)

    The principles of artificial intelligent robotics are studied. Topics include; theory of robot autonomy, robot hierarchical functional decomposition, and robot biologically-inspired intelligent control schemes such as: reflexive, reactive, deliberative and hybrid, visual and remote sensing, world and task perception modeling and learning, and applications of embedded intelligence systems. Hands on laboratory projects are required. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 5070 or equivalent courses.
  • ENCS 7110 - Principles of Cyber Physical Systems (3)

    An introduction to the principles of design, including: specification, modeling, and analysis of cyber-physical systems consisting of computing devices communicating with one another and interacting with the physical world via sensors and actuators. Topics include synchronous and asynchronous models as well as timed model, safety and liveness requirements, and real-time scheduling. Some aspects of dynamics systems and hybrid systems are also studied.
  • ENCS 7200 - Estimation Theory and System Identification (3)

    This course provides an introduction to estimation theory and system identification including: estimation methods; hypothesis testing; method of moment’s estimators; Least squares estimators; Maximum likelihood estimators and; Bayesian estimators. Introduction to the system identification; non-parametric and parametric models for identification; parametric estimation and prediction; identification of parametric time series models; AR, MA, ARMA models and, input-output models. Identification of state-space models; Kalman filter and subspace identification methods.
  • ENCS 7300 - Solid State Physics and Devices (3)

    Introduces the physical principles of semiconductor materials and devices. Presents the semiconductor device operation based on energy bands and carrier statistics. Describes the operation of p-n junctions and metal semiconductor junctions. Extends this knowledge to descriptions of bipolar and field effect transistors, and other microelectronic devices. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3300 Electronics or Permission of Instructor.
  • ENCS 7700 - High-Performance Computing Applications (3)

    This course is a graduate-level application and algorithm design for High-Performance Scientific Computing. The topics include computing in multiple-core computer, distributed computing, solving non-trivial n-body problems, dense linear algebra on multi processors, parallel tree search and efficiency/scalability/performance of parallel algorithms. The practical application of this course is the implementation of the parallel algorithms and techniques into programming models, such as OpenMP, CUDA, Pthreads and MPI and try these applications in a real super computer. Prerequisite(s): COMP 4700 Algorithms and COMP 5520 Introduction High Performance Computing.
  • ENCS 7800 - Graph Theory and Networks Analysis (3)

    This course provides an introduction to graph theory and network analysis. The topics include Introduction to graph theory and graph concepts; Representations of graphs and graph isomorphism; Trees as a Special case of graphs; Connectivity, covering, matching, and coloring in graphs; Directed graphs and Planar graphs; and the application of graph theory in the analysis of Internet, social networks, and information networks.
  • ENCS 7900 - Computer Vision (3)

    This course discusses computer vision techniques for image and video processing. Topics include: image color spaces, color, binary and color image processing, image features quantization and extraction, weak and strong features mitigation and integration, object detection and matching, object motion estimation and tracking, object classification, stereo imaging, and scene understanding. Student will develop strong intuitions and sound mathematical background for adaptive computer vision learning and this ability will be reinforced thru multiple practical class projects.
  • ENCS 7930 - Applied Signal Processing (3)

    This project-based course provides students with the opportunity to develop and implement signal processing algorithms to various deterministic or stochastic signal systems. This course incorporates advanced topics from applied speech, audio, image, video and communications signal processing. Topics include: discrete and continuous Fast Fourier Transforms, analysis of stochastic signals, statistical pattern recognition, application of discrete wavelet transform (Haar wavelets, Daubechies wavelets), and applications of fast and low-complexity signal processing and data fusion.

Mechanical Engineering

  • MEEN 5010 - Introduction to Manufacturing (3)

    Traditional and non-traditional manufacturing concepts, processes, and practices including: engineering metrology, quality assurance, inspection, human-factors in manufacturing, safety, product reliability, industrial robots, group technology, and cellular manufacturing. Laboratory Projects Required.
  • MEEN 5020 - Optimization Methods for Engineering Design (3)

    Computerized design methods for optimization techniques. Formulation of optimization. Problems using design variables and design constraints. Constrained and unconstrained minimization techniques using gradient and direct methods, special redesign directions for simplified analysis.
  • MEEN 5030 - Artificial Neural Networks (3)

    This course introduces one of the parallel processing techniques: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Introduction to neural networks, biological inspiration, definitions, comparison with conventional digital computers, vector mapping, classification of neural networks based on the input, paradigms, self-adaptions and learning algorithms, mapping networks and their architectures. Applications to power systems, control systems, communications, signal Processing, quality control, and robotics. Prerequisite(s): Sound knowledge of any higher-level language. (C, Pascal or Fortran) or consent of the instructor.
  • MEEN 5040 - Vibrations Analysis (3)

    Undamped and damped vibrations for one and multi-degrees of freedom, solutions for transient and forced vibrations in lumped parameter systems, vibration control treatments, noise control and experimental techniques.
  • MEEN 5050 - Energy Conservation Systems (3)

    Energy needs; solar energy collection; principle of nuclear power plants; direct energy conversion; thermodynamic analysis and design of direct energy conversion devices, e.g., fuel cells, thermoelectric, photovoltaic and magnetohydrodnyamic (MHD) power generators and systems.
  • MEEN 5100 - Theory of Elasticity and Applications (3)

    Analysis of stress and strain in two and three dimensions, constitutional relation between stresses and strains, hooke’s law, stress functions, strain potentials, two dimensional problems in rectangular and polar coordinates. Torsion, bending of bars, axisymmetric stress and deformation in solid, and thermal stress. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3120.
  • MEEN 5110 - Theory of Plasticity and Application (3)

    Elastic vs plastic deformation, general theories and approach to stress analysis,Trescaand von Mises’ yield criteria,Prandtl-Reuss and other plastic stress-strain relations, work-hardening, plastic instability, strain rate and deformation, sliplinefield theories, load bounding and applications in engineering design. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3120.
  • MEEN 5130 - Flexible Manufacturing Systems (3)

    Introduction to Flexible Manufacturing Systems including: flexible and hard-automation, robotic systems, automated guided vehicles, programmable controllers, automated storage and retrieval systems, flexible end-of-arm tooling, sensors, machine visions, and flexible manufacturing integration. Design Projects Required.
  • MEEN 5200 - Advanced Dynamics (3)

    Relative motion, transformation of coordinates, , dynamics of system of particles, analytical mechanics, holonomic and non-holonomic constraints, virtual displacements and virtual work, D’Alembert’s principle, Hamilton principles, Lagrange’s equation, Rigid body geometry, rigid body dynamics.
  • MEEN 5310 - Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow (3)

    One-dimensional isentropic flow, shock waves, flow in constant air ducts with friction, flow in ducts with heating or cooling and generalized one-dimensional continuous flow. Applications of theory to the design of compressible flow systems, e.g. wind tunnels, gas pipelines, etc. Prerequisite(s): CVEN 3100.
  • MEEN 5400 - Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer (3)

    Steady, periodic, and transient heat conduction in single and multidimensional systems. Both analytical and numerical methods are presented. Properties and laws of radiation, absorbing and emitting media and radiant exchange between surfaces separated by non-participating media. Problems involving combined radiation and conduction. Applications of theory to the design of engineering systems, e.g., cooling fins, heat shields, etc. Prerequisite(s): MEEN 4150 and MATH 3120.
  • MEEN 5410 - Convection Heat Transfer (3)

    Fundamental principles - conservation laws. parallel and boundary layer flows, scale analysis, similarity solutions, external and internal flows, laminar and turbulent convection, forced and free convection. Analogy between momentum and heat transfer. Prerequisite(s): MEEN 4150 and MATH3120.
  • MEEN 5420 - Advanced Thermodynamics (3)

    Basic laws of classical thermodynamics power, refrigeration, and heat pump cycles, introduction to real gas and equations of state. Irreversibility, availability, energy, and lost work analysis. Development of the relations of classical thermodynamics. Prerequisite(s): MATH 3120 and ENGR 2010.
  • MEEN 5430 - Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (3)

    Navier Stokes equations; Classification of Flows; General Solution Techniques- Finite Element Method, Finite Difference Method, and Finite Volume Method. Hands on experience of ANSYS FLUENT solution techniques; Boundary conditions; Mesh generation; Incompressible flow; Turbulence modeling; Energy equation; Eulerian and discrete phase flows; Post-processing of simulated results; A detailed case study of a research problem chosen by student (individual project).
  • MEEN 5610 - Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (3)

    Introduction to various topics related to computer-aided design(cad),computer-aided manufacturing(cam), computer-aided engineering(cae),computer-integrated manufacturing(cim), finite element modeling and analysis (fem), and manufacturing information processing (mip). Prerequisite(s): Sound knowledge of any CAD engineering design software or consent of the instructor. Laboratory Projects required.
  • MEEN 5620 - Design for Manufacturability (3)

    Design of products; Decision Making in Design, Form and Functions Interchange, Design for Manufacturability, Design axioms, Robust Design, and Optimum Design. Laboratory Design Projects Required.
  • MEEN 5630 - Manufacturing Management and Control (3)

    Introduction to theories and practices of manufacturing management. General management techniques discussed include: organizational planning, logistic control, Inventory management, manufacturing information processing and safety. Laboratory Projects Required.
  • MEEN 5640 - Manufacturing Modeling and Simulation (3)

    Introduction to queue theory and manufacturing system modeling Prerequisite(s): Sound knowledge of any higher-level language. (C, Pascal or FORTRAN) or consent of the instructor.
  • MEEN 5650 - Predictive and Preventive Maintenance (3)

    Introduction to predictive and preventive maintenance of electromechanical systems. Prediction of failure of machine components, practical techniques for detection and prevention of machine failure. Data acquisition and Signal processing. Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with the subject of vibration control in mechanical systems or consent of the instructor. Laboratory Projects Required.
  • MEEN 5660 - Concurrent Manufacturing (3)

    ntroduction to concurrent manufacturing and life-cycle engineering. Design conceptualization to product retirement including life-cycle engineering, design for recycleability, design for testability, design for serviceability, design for assembly, design for disassembly, and design for functionability. Laboratory Design Projects Required.
  • MEEN 5780 - Finite Element Analysis (3)

    Theoretical basis of the finite Element method. The physical and mathematical modeling using various elements. The applications of the method to various engineering problems. The generation of the finite element program.
  • MEEN 5820 - Principles of Design (3)

    Development of design theories; design for manufacturability; evaluation of design; redesign principles; case studies.
  • MEEN 6430 - Manufacturing Diagnosis and Prognosis Techniques (3)

    Techniques for effective machinery fault diagnosis and prognosis, signal condition, filtering, and processing, signature analysis, fault pattern recognition and classification, fatigue characterization, and life prediction using artificial intelligence techniques.
  • MEEN 6450 - Transport Phenomena in Manufacturing (3)

    Energy, momentum and mass transports encountered in typical engineering applications. Gas-liquid, two-phase flow patterns, basic and empirical models; conservation equations and closure relations, phase change, aerosol transport, Approximate solutions and numerical simulation techniques.

Computer, Information, and Systems Engineering

  • CISE 5005 - Introduction to Computer Hardware Systems (3)

    Introduction to circuits elements and techniques of circuits analysis. Operational amplifier and techniques of Op-Amp circuit design. Boolean algebra and logic gates, design of combinational and sequential logic circuits, registers and counters, digital integrated circuits. Machine language, RISC and CISC architectures, and design of arithmetic unit, processor, memory system and input/output systems. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
  • CISE 5006 - Introduction to Information Systems (3)

    Introduction to linear system theory: Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform, power spectrum, and linear system analysis. Probability theory and random variables. Theory of information and communication systems, modulation theory, multiplexing, introduction to digital communications, computer communication systems and network protocols. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
  • CISE 5007 - Introduction to Computation and Computer Software (3)

    This course provides background of computation and computer software for CISE students who are deficient in these areas. It is designed to introduce the concepts of discrete mathematics, data structures and algorithms, and operation system organization. Students study the selected topics which include (1) basic discrete structures such as sets, logic, functions, relations, counting and probability, and graph theory; (2) fundamental data structures such as array, list, stack, queue and binary search tree; algorithm design techniques such as divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy technique; algorithm complexity analysis; well-known algorithms for sorting, searching, pattern matching, networked computing and communication; (3) important concepts of operating systems such as processes, thread, scheduling, deadlock, memory management, virtual memory, page replacement algorithm. This course will not be used to meet degree requirements. Prerequisite(s): Basic programming skills (ENGR 2230 or equivalent).
  • CISE 5010 - Data Structures and Algorithms (3)

    Files and data structures used in computing such as lists, etc., techniques of storing and retrieving data such as hashing, indexing, etc., relational data-base models, SQL databases and servers, and data-base management systems. Selection and design of algorithms, search and sorting techniques, pattern matching, mathematical problems. Prerequisite(s): COMP 3200, ENGR 2230 or equivalent.
  • CISE 5020 - Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (3)

    An understanding of capabilities, limitations and applications of different computer architectures of large supercomputers to smaller workstations. Basic computer resource management techniques, discussion of types of operating systems, distributed and parallel processing, real time programming and inquire-response systems. An overview of different implementations. Prerequisite(s): COMP 4110 or COMP 3410 or EECE 4300 or equivalent.
  • CISE 5030 - Software Systems Design (3)

    Concept of software product life cycle, software design methodologies, stages in software development, metrics and models, reliability and reusability of code, software development tools, analysis, and design validation, small team projects involving architectural design and software specifications, computer aided software engineering (CASE). Prerequisite(s): EECE 3061 or COMP 3050 or EECE 4310.
  • CISE 5040 - Systems Engineering (3)

    Introduction to systems, the system design process, systems analysis tools, including decision making, economic evaluation, optimization, queuing theory, statistical methods and process control concepts. Design for operational feasibility, human factors, logistics and systems engineering management. A systems engineering based technical report is required. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3200, 3200, 4400, MATH 3210 or equivalent.
  • CISE 5050 - Advanced Discrete Mathematics (3)

    Selected topics in discrete mathematics, formal systems, mathematical deduction, logical concepts, theorem proving sets, relations on sets, operations on sets, functions, graphs, mathematical structures, morphism, algebraic structures, semigroups, finite state machines and simulation, Kleene theorem. Prerequisite(s): COMP 3200.
  • CISE 5060 - Error Control Codes (3)

    Introduction to codes for error detection and correction, linear algebra over finite fields, bounds, perfect and quasi-perfect codes, probability of error checking , Hamming, BCH, MDS, Reed-Solomon codes, and non-linear codes. Prerequisite(s): COMP 3200, EECE 3500 or equivalent.
  • CISE 5110 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3)

    Studies of different artificial intelligent concepts and techniques including; neural network topologies and training algorithms, fuzzy logic and decision making systems, genetic algorithms and search algorithms, probabilistic reasoning and belief functions. Applications in engineering will be discussed. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 5200  or equivalent.
  • CISE 5210 - Probability, Statistics and Risk Analysis (3)

    Fundamental concepts of probability and statistics with practical applications to analyze and manage risks inherent in computer, information, and system engineering projects. Emphasis on basic concepts of probability; random variables; discrete and continuous probability distributions; sampling; statistical inference; tests of hypotheses; uncertainty measurement and modeling; Bayesian method; risk identification, analysis and management. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing;
  • CISE 5220 - Computer Aided Systems Design (3)

    Advanced computer-aided analysis and design tools for analysis of system properties and performance, study of structure and theory of computer aided design software and hardware and the small scale design of such tools. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3100, 3101, CISE 5010 or equivalent.
  • CISE 5230 - Computer Communication and Network (3)

    Covers theory of various information and computer communication networks and operation of open systems that enable exchange of information (data) in an open way to facilitate a range of distributed applications. Topics include - fundamental issues related to reliable transfer of data across serial data link following ISO reference model; data transmission over various types of communication medium; various types of computer networks that provide a switched communication facility over which computers can communicate; and the ISO layered network protocol, network topology, packet switching, routing, networks management, discussion of narrowband and broadband ISDN. Application of basic traffic theory, switching fundamentals and routing strategies. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3210, EECE 3500, EECE 4350 or equivalent.
  • CISE 5240 - Management of Information Systems (3)

    This course will discuss current methods in use for the design and implementation of modern information technology in organizational systems. It will also provide a comprehensive introduction to basic principles of the legal, economic, and regulatory environment of the information industry. Prerequisite(s): MEEN 5020 , EECE 3500 or equivalent.

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