Sep 23, 2024  
2019-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Computer, Information, and Systems Engineering

  • CISE 5250 - Introduction to System Modeling and Simulation (3)

    This course will cover concepts and skills required to design, program, implement, and use computers to solve complex systems analysis problems. The students will learn how to formulate modeling problems, build effective models, analyze data, and use models to evaluate alternative designs and processes that arise in the development of complex systems and products. The students will obtain an overview of modeling techniques used in decision analysis, including Monte Carlo simulation and system dynamics modeling. The techniques include concept graphs, Bayesian nets, Markov models, Petri nets, system dynamics, Bond graphs, cellular automata, and parallel and distributed simulation systems. Students will report on a particular technique and team to implement a chosen system model. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing. CISE 5210  or Instructor Approval
  • CISE 5260 - Wireless Communications, Principles and Practice (3)

    This course will introduce fundamental theory and design of high capacity wireless communications systems. Topics include modern wireless standards and applications, cellular concept and implementation, mobile radio propagation, fading and multipath, modulation techniques, equalization, diversity, channel coding, multiple access technique, wireless networking. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3210, EECE 3500 or equivalent.
  • CISE 5300 - Fundamentals of Robotics (3)

    Two-dimensional and three-dimensional transformation techniques, manipulator kinematics and dynamics, robot differential motion and control, path planning and trajectory generation, task execution and robot programming will be discussed in details. Robot integration and simulation tools also will be presented. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 5100  or equivalent.
  • CISE 5400 - Special Topics in CISE (3)

    Recent advanced topics in Computer and Information Systems Engineering will be studied based on faculty and students’ needs Prerequisite(s): instructor’s approval.
  • CISE 5900 - Systems Engineering Design (3)

    This is a capstone course for the M.S. in CISE (Computer, Information and Systems Engineering) program where the knowledge gained in prerequisite required courses will be applied. Various steps used in the systemic development and design of system of interest (SOI) will be practiced. System development phases such as; systems requirements, conceptual and logical alternatives, top-down and bottom-up system integration and life cycle issues, and system management and support plan will be applied to selected projects. Prerequisite(s): Student must have a grade of ‘B’ in CISE 5030 , CISE 5040  and CISE 5230  or their equivalents. A written report and oral presentation will be required.
  • CISE 5905 - Master of Science Thesis I (3)

    Thesis topics to be selected in consultation with the chairman of thesis committee and approval of the department head. The thesis will involve hardware, software and systems approach to the design and development of an integrated system. Student must have completed need analysis, identified operational and functional requirements, TPMs, and bench marks for design evaluation and selected an appropriate solution to pursue. Student must also develop a management plan with milestones, define maintenance concepts for life cycle evaluation of optimum system. Student must complete these activities to receive a grade and as a prerequisite for next course. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Candidacy.
  • CISE 5906 - Master of Science Thesis II (3)

    Continuation and completion of thesis and oral presentation defense. Prerequisite(s): CISE 5905 .
  • CISE 6000 - Database Management Systems (3)

    Database concepts. Database design Data models: entity-relationship and relational. Data manipulation languages including SQL. Data dictionaries. Query processing. Concurrency, software development environments use a database system. Expert, object-oriented, multimedia and distributed database systems. Database systems architecture. Use of a commercial database management system.
  • CISE 6100 - Optimization in Operations Research (3)

    Problem solving with mathematical models, deterministic optimization models in operations research, improving search, linear programming models, simplex search and interior point methods, duality and sensitivity in linear programming, multi objective optimization, shortest paths and discrete dynamic programming, network flows, discrete optimization methods and constrained and unconstrained nonlinear programming.
  • CISE 6200 - Introduction to Computational Intelligence (3)

    This course introduces the parallel computation techniques based on various artificial neural networks architectures. Learning rules for feed forward networks, Associative learning, competitive networks, Grossberg network, Hopfield network and their applications. Introduction to fuzzy logic theory, membership functions, fuzzy relations, fuzzy measures, approximate reasoning and design and applications of fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems. Introduction to genetic algorithms and their applications. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
  • CISE 6300 - Statistical Information Theory (3)

    Foundations of modern digital communication systems. Random variables and random processors, autocorrelation functions; Digital signaling waveforms and their spectra. Probability of error in digital receivers. Information measure and source coding; channels and codes for error detection and correction. Introduction to traffic theory for telecommunications and optical communication. Prerequisite(s): EECE 3200 or equivalent.
  • CISE 6340 - Computer Communication and Networks II (3)

    Principles and issues underlying provision of wide area connectivity through interconnection of autonomous networks. Internet architecture and protocols today and likely evolution in future. Case studies of particular protocol practical Topics related to high-speed networks such as: frame relay, high-speed LANs and MANs, the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)architecture, adaptation layers, switch architectures, preventive and reactive congestion control schemes, schemes for connectionless services over ATM, transmission schemes and signaling.
  • CISE 6360 - Distributed Computing Theory and Design (3)

    Fundamental and systems design aspects of distributed systems, paradigms for distributed computing, client-server computing, concurrency control, distributed file systems, resource management, high-performance computing aspects.
  • CISE 6400 - Fundamentals of Robotics in Manufacturing (3)

    Introduction to robotic automation, robot classifications, robot specifications, direct and inverse kinematics, workspace analysis; Trajectory planning, manipulator dynamics; Robot control, robot interface to manufacturing processes, machine interface, end-of-arm tooling, robot programming, and sensor integration and utilization in manufacturing. Laboratory projects are required. Prerequisite(s): Sound knowledge of static and dynamics, matrix operations, computer language programming or consent of the instructor.
  • CISE 6440 - Numerical Visualization (3)

    Essential algorithms for three-dimensional rendering and modeling techniques; viewing transformations, illumination, surface modeling; methodologies for visualization of scalar and vector fields in three dimensions; applications of visualization.
  • CISE 7240 - Computer Vision (3)

    This course covers the digital image processing and computer vision fundamentals, image analysis, image transforms, image restoration, image enhancement, image compression, image segmentation, image representation and description, image recognition and interpretation. Use of Matlab toolbox, Khoros, CVIPtools and LabVIEW based image acquisition and visualization will be required for image data collection, processing and visualization. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
  • CISE 7300 - Network Programming (3)

    Review of TCP/IP and UDP, transport layer, elementary and advanced sockets, TCP sockets and client server examples I/O multiplexing, socket options, elementary and advanced UDP sockets, name and address conversions, daemon processes and intend supersaver, advanced I/O functions, Unix Domain protocols, non-blocking I/O, routing sockets, broadcasting, multicasting, threads, and streamers. Prerequisite(s): Unix Operating System, networking protocols or equivalent.
  • CISE 7310 - Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering (3)

    Software development and quality, process models, measurement theory, software quality metrics, Ishikawa’s seven basic quality tools in software development, defect removal, effectiveness, the Rayleigh model, reliability growth models, quality management models, complexity metrics and models, measuring and analyzing customer needs, AS/400 software quality management. Prerequisite(s): CISE 5030 , CISE 5040 , or equivalent.
  • CISE 7340 - High Performance Computer Applications (3)

    Design and analysis of parallel algorithms in fixed-connection network and PRAM models. Numerical computations, sorting, and routing. Comparisons of various parallel machine models. Relating machine models to architectural characteristics.
  • CISE 7350 - Network Security and Risk Analysis (3)

    Network security fundamental, security in layered protocol architecture, cryptographic techniques, authentication, access control, confidentiality and integrity, standard security techniques, electronic mail and EDI security, Network security, security evaluation measures.
  • CISE 7370 - Optical Communication (3)

    Optical communication systems, optical wave propagation, photodetection statistics, heterodyne receiver, and noise sources. Evaluation of communication performance for the free-space channel. Introduction to fiber optic communication and fiber optic networks communication.
  • CISE 7420 - Advanced Robotics (3)

    Mobile robotics platforms, both unmanned ground vehicles and aerial vehicles, will be studied. Robot system integrations, applications of intelligent technologies in robotics, robot behaviors, robot sensing and control, vision systems and sensor fusion techniques will be explained in detail. Prerequisite(s): CISE 5300  and ENGR 5070  or their equivalent.
  • CISE 7430 - Mechatronics Systems (3)

    Introduction to electro-mechanical systems. General design and fabrication, and integration of electro-mechanical systems including: transducers, active and passive sensors, measurement devices, actuation systems, open, closed, and adaptive controllers, microprocessors and system components electronic interfacing and communication. Laboratory projects required. Prerequisite(s): basic familiarity with the subject of measurement, instrumentation, control, vibration, and signal processing of electro-mechanical systems or consent of the instructor.
  • CISE 7450 - A. I. Robotics (3)

    The theory of artificially intelligent robotics is studied. Topics needed to program artificially intelligent robots for real-world applications are covered. Intelligence organization architectures such as hierarchical and reactive paradigms are introduced. Topics related to mobile robot applications such as sensing, perception, programming techniques and navigation are also presented. Applications of AI robotics in different fields are discussed. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2231 or EECE 3061 or equivalent.
  • CISE 7505 - Special Topics (3)

    Covers topics of specific area interest including special research topics. To be approved by advisor and program director.
  • CISE 7506 - Special Topics (3)

    Covers topics of specific area interest including special research topics. To be approved by advisor and program director.
  • CISE 7507 - Special Topics (3)

    Covers topics of specific area interest including special research topics. To be approved by advisor and program director.
  • CISE 7600 - Seminar (0)

    To be taken by all Ph.D. candidates for a duration on one year during the final year and the approval of the advisor.
  • CISE 7900 - CISE Ph.D. Dissertation (3-9)

    Research in area of specialization to be carried out under the direction of Advisory Committee. Variable credit course.

Criminal Justice

  • CRMJ 5900 - Independent Readings (3)

    A course designed for the advanced student who is capable of independent study. The student is allowed to do readings in depth in a particular area of criminal justice relevant to his/her individual interest.
  • CRMJ 6010 - Seminar in Law Enforcement 3

    The function of police within the community and its relationship to the criminal justice system, the effects of police actions on the community and other segments of the system, social expectations and limitations, assessment and special problems. Analysis of relevant studies, formation of annotated bibliography, and organization of research into a formal composition.
  • CRMJ 6020 - Judicial Seminar (3)

    An analysis of the judicial segment of the criminal justice system, including jurisdiction, authority and power, quality of judges, and structure of court systems. Required of all degree candidates. Must be taken on TSU campus.
  • CRMJ 6030 - Contemporary Corrections (3)

    An overall analysis of contemporary corrections philosophy and programs in contemporary institutions, as well as community-based programs, their problems and prospects. Required of all degree candidates. Must be taken on TSU campus.
  • CRMJ 6040 - The Concept of Justice (3)

    A study of the historical and philosophical development of law and justice, with emphasis on contemporary application to the criminal justice process.
  • CRMJ 6230 - Police Management System (3)

    An analysis of the administrative behavior and organizational problems of change in police management, as well as public reaction.
  • CRMJ 6250 - Criminal Justice Internship (3)

    An intensive field experience in a criminal justice agency. The selection of the placement agency is determined by the student’s advisor.
  • CRMJ 6300 - Innovations in Law Enforcement (3)

    A review of recent and current developments and practices in law enforcement management, with emphasis on the experimental and “pilot project” approaches. Course includes intensive comparison of traditional vs. non-traditional models. (MTSU only)
  • CRMJ 6410 - Advanced Constitutional Law (3)

    A review of pre-trial rights such as arrest, search and seizure, bail, speedy trial, and right to counsel. Emphasis on Constitutional U.S. Supreme Court cases.
  • CRMJ 6430 - Criminal Law: The Defense Side (3)

    A study of how a criminal case is handled by criminal defense attorneys from arrest through appeal; ethical problems arising for defense attorneys; plea bargaining.
  • CRMJ 6500 - Interviewing and Counseling Juveniles (3)

    Methods and techniques of interviewing and counseling with juvenile and youthful offenders, with emphasis on the initial interview. Topics include protection of legal rights in the interview setting, an overview of environmental and behavioral considerations, and implications of interviewing and counseling in the juvenile justice process.
  • CRMJ 6630 - Non-Thesis Option (3)

    This is a comprehensive examination administered at the end of coursework to students choosing not to engage in a thesis.
  • CRMJ 6640 - Thesis (3)

    Research for and composition of an acceptable thesis. Once students have enrolled in this course, they must continue to enroll in it until they complete the thesis and are examined over it. Required of all degree candidates. Prerequisite(s): CRMJ 6900 .
  • CRMJ 6700 - Community-Based Corrections (3)

    The probation and parole division of the adult and juvenile sections of the corrections components of the criminal justice system, as well as the development of community institutions. Specific laws and procedures of the divisions, as well as treatment methods of each, are explored.
  • CRMJ 6830 - Violence and Victimology (3)

    A survey of the rights of defendants involved with the criminal justice process. Topics include the rights of defendants to fair and reasonable treatment within the criminal justice system and in corrections, and the new ideas developing around the right to treatment and the right of society to exist without violence. The impact of violence on victims and potential victims is also examined.
  • CRMJ 6900 - Research in Criminal Justice (3)

    Intensive study of basic and advanced research methods and strategies as applied to the criminal justice system. Required of all degree candidates. Prerequisite(s): to CRMJ 6640 .
  • CRMJ 6920 - Seminar in Criminal Justice Planning and Management (3)

    The planning process in criminal justice, including implications for management at various levels, and federal funding sources for particular purposes.
  • CRMJ 6930 - Comparative Systems in Criminal Justice (3)

    Police, courts, and corrections studied comparatively among American and several foreign systems. A cross-cultural analysis of innovative programs is made to foster conclusions about philosophically interrelated systems. Penal treatment as a measure of cultural maturity is discussed both as an end in itself and as a basis for comparison.
  • CRMJ 6940 - Crimes, Criminals, and Their Treatment (3)

    Crime typology, theories of criminal behavior, and methods of treatment. Emphasis is on institutional treatment programs.
  • CRMJ 6950 - Business and Industrial Security (3)

    Survey of the problems of business and industrial security, the economic impact on society, the responsibilities of the criminal justice system, effectiveness of traditional criminal justice agencies, and programs of prevention, including the training of management and security personnel.

Exercise Science

  • HPSS 5010 - Introduction to Epidemiology (3)

    This course is designed to study factors influencing health and disease in a population. Relationships between host and environment will also be studies. Application of the principles of epidemiologic methods and data will be collected, investigated, analyzed, and interpreted with an emphasis on prevention and control.
  • HPSS 5050 - Sports and School Law (3)

    Development of administrative considerations and methods from the legal perspective influenced by statutes and contemporary litigation.
  • HPSS 5130 - Techniques of Cognitive & Kinetic Appraisal (3)

    Designed to acquaint the student with the role of tests and measurement in a total program of physical education.
  • HPSS 5310 - Aging & Wellness (3)

    Exploration of the social, cognitive, affective and physiological processes in humans and aging. Attention will be given to family and social dynamics, accommodations for disabilities, and legal / financial issues.
  • HPSS 5320 - Wellness for Special Populations (3)

    Provides the professional with an understanding of theoretical and applied aspects of wellness programming for special populations, and their functional capacity with regard to wellness programming.
  • HPSS 5330 - Sports Psychology (3)

    Surveys current psychological research and interventions for human performance including social facilitation, aggression, and motivation.
  • HPSS 5350 - Advanced Exercise Physiology (3)

    Regulation and adjustment of physiological systems during acute exercise and adaptations to chronic exercise in various populations and environments; emphasizes discussion intended to reinforce principles of physiological phenomena and underlying mechanisms.
  • HPSS 5360 - Body Composition & Assessment (3)

    Laboratory and field assessment of body fat, lean body mass and somatotype, anthropometry; body build and composition; exercise and dietary regulation of obesity and chronic underweight.
  • HPSS 5370 - Fitness Evaluation & Prescription (3)

    Application of physiological assessment techniques to evaluate human performance; interpretation of results, and recommendation for corrective remediation protocols.
  • HPSS 5400 - Athletic Injury & Evaluation (3)

    Comprehensive survey of human structure of the trunk, upper and lower extremities, and their relationship to injuries; implications for rehabilitation and post-surgical therapeutic exercise programs.
  • HPSS 5470 - Sports Nutrition (3)

    Application of nutritional principles, physiology and biochemistry of nutrients and nutrient homeostasis in humans at the cellular, tissue, organ and system level as related to exercise and human performance.
  • HPSS 5600 - Sport Facilities Design & Management (3)

    Principles of planning facilities for sport, physical education, and recreation; relationship of facilities to programs; budgeting, financing, and construction oversight.
  • HPSS 5700 - Special Topics (3)

    Covers a diverse selection of topics, issues, and complex problems that confront practitioners. Efforts will be made to explore new paradigms, encourage independence of thought, seek pro-active problem resolution, and develop critical thinking abilities.
  • HPSS 5700 - Special Topics (3)

    Covers a diverse selection of topics, issues, and complex problems that confront practitioners. Efforts will be made to explore new paradigms, encourage independence of thought, seek pro-active problem resolution, and develop critical thinking abilities.
  • HPSS 5910 - Independent Study (3)

    Designed to provide opportunities to make an intensive in-depth study of an area of interest selected by the student in health, physical education, or recreation. Organized as an independent study experience, the selected project should be centered around some problem or area of interest related to the student’s administrative, teaching, or leadership responsibilities.
  • HPSS 5930 - Internship (3 - 6)

    A planned and supervised professional internship allowing students to apply theoretical concepts in practical applications. Three credit hours will require 250 clock hours spent as interns. Directed and evaluated by faculty advisor.
  • HPSS 6020 - Project (3)

    A terminal course centered around action research or applied research in the area of the candidate’s professional responsibilities. The course requires an oral examination at conclusion of the written project.


  • FINA 6300 - Managerial Finance (3)

    Refined techniques of analysis, optimal financing decision, theory and cases in general corporate finance. Prerequisite(s): FINA 3300.
  • FINA 6400 - Financial Instituitions (3)

    Characteristics, allocation of funds, fund management, growth, government regulation, critical evaluation of economic importance. Prerequisite(s): FINA 6300 .
  • FINA 6450 - Commercial Banking (3)

    Reading, cases, balance sheet management, structure, markets competition, capital adequacy, profitability, quantitative techniques of analysis, computer simulations. Prerequisite(s): FINA 6300 .
  • FINA 6500 - Corporate Asset Management (3)

    Reading, advanced cases in theory and practice of financial planning and management of assets, quantitative methods of analysis, capital budgeting, capital rationing, leasing, selected specialized topics. Prerequisite(s): FINA 6300 .
  • FINA 6550 - Financial Structure Management (3)

    Reading, advanced cases in theory and practice of financial planning and management of liability and capital, innovative financing, optimum financing mix, valuation, mergers, quantitative techniques of analysis, selected specialized topics Prerequisite(s): FINA 6300 .
  • FINA 6600 - Investments (3)

    Evaluation and selection of securities, investment decision process, value and price, analysis of companies, capital market theory. Prerequisite(s): FINA 6300  
  • FINA 6650 - Portfolio Management (3)

    Analytical approaches, theory of random walks, empirical evidence, portfolio theory, capital market theory. Prerequisite(s): FINA 6300 .


  • GEOG 5010 - Problems in Teaching Geography (3)

    Attention to problem areas in geography. Topics include aims and objectives of the study of geography, proper utilization of instructional aids, and the construction of teaching units.
  • GEOG 5030 - Earth Science for Teachers (3)

    A general introduction to the geosciences designed especially for middle and high school teachers. Course emphasizes the basic concepts and latest developments in geology, ocean studies, weather, and astronomy. Teaching aids, supplementary readings, and laboratory techniques to promote effective teaching of earth science courses are included.
  • GEOG 5040 - World Geography for Teachers (3)

    A general survey of the geographic regions of the world, designed especially for secondary school teachers. Emphasis is placed on cultures, resources, and physical features, including the oceans. Course includes aids to promote effective teaching of geography courses.
  • GEOG 5050 - Europe: Physical and Cultural Landscapes (3)

    An introduction to the physical and cultural aspects of Europe west of Russia, designed especially for geography, social science, and history teachers. Recent European developments of world importance are emphasized. Course includes aids to promote effective teaching of European geography and history.
  • GEOG 5750 - Directed Reading in Geography (3)

    Designated topics focusing on specialized areas of investigation, allowing students to learn of recent developments in the discipline and participate in intensive research.


  • HIST 5010 - Seminar in American History I (3)

    An intense study of selected problems in the history of the United States from 1607 to the present.
  • HIST 5020 - Seminar in American History II (3)

    An intense study of selected problems in the history of the United States from 1607 to the present.
  • HIST 5110 - Historical Methods (3)

    The principles and techniques of research in the study of history, including problems in the preparation of a manuscript.
  • HIST 5240 - History of Feminism (3)

    An exploration of historical developments and variations in feminist thought. Through the critical analysis of historical and literary texts, the course examines ideas about gender and sexuality, their intersections with concepts of race, class, and nation, and their changing role in constructions of identity. Prerequisite(s): HIST 3500 or WMST 2000.
  • HIST 5310 - Recent United States History I (3)

    The study of contemporary problems in historical literature through an analysis of American historians and their writings.
  • HIST 5320 - Recent United States History II (3)

    The study of contemporary problems in historical literature through an analysis of American historians and their writings.
  • HIST 5410 - Seminar in European History I (3)

    A study of Europe in the nineteenth century with emphasis on the cultural developments of Western Europe.
  • HIST 5420 - Seminar in European History II (3)

    A study of Europe in the nineteenth century with emphasis on the cultural developments of Western Europe.
  • HIST 5710 - Seminar in African History I (3)

    The intensive study of selected social, economic, political, and international relationships of the nations of Africa. First course covers the origin of mankind to the beginnings of European colonization. The second course continues through the present, focusing on the emergence of independent states in the postcolonial period.
  • HIST 5720 - Seminar in African History II (3)

    The intensive study of selected social, economic, political, and international relationships of the nations of Africa. First course covers the origin of mankind to the beginnings of European colonization. The second course continues through the present, focusing on the emergence of independent states in the postcolonial period.
  • HIST 5750 - Vital Topics (3)

    Selected subjects on a specific period-local, regional, national, or international in scope. In recent semesters HIST 5750 covered the history of Germany from 1918 to 1945.
  • HIST 6510 - Seminar in Latin-american History I (3)

    An examination of the colonization, nation-building, and development of Latin America. The first course explores the region to 1900. The secondexamines Latin America since 1900.
  • HIST 6520 - Seminar in Latin-american History II (3)

    An examination of the colonization, nation-building, and development of Latin America. The first course explores the region to 1900. The secondexamines Latin America since 1900.
  • HIST 6710 - Modern Africa: Political and Social History (3)

    An investigation of Africa’s political and economic development since 1939.
  • HIST 6870 - Afro-American Issues, 1775 to 1876 (3)

    An examination of the role and contributions of African-Americans to the total American scene. Constitutional, economic, and socio-cultural issues are examined through the revisionist approach and the use of new ideas included in recent publications.
  • HIST 6880 - African-American Issues, 1877 To Present (3)

    Key issues of African-Americans in relation to the majority. Topics include revisionist historical examination of the black soldiers of the Civil War and Reconstruction, black state and national political leaders, the African-American business and industrial workers, black institutions, African-Americans in World Wars I and II, the period of agitation 1920-1954, the socio-economic and political impact of the Brown vs. Topeka case, black revolutionaries of the 1960’s, and the aspirations of the present.


  • MGMT 5000 - Foundation in Management and Marketing (3) (not for graduate credit)

    This course covers concepts found in principles of management, operations management, and marketing. Topics will be selected in those areas that enable students to do advanced work in these fields of study.
  • MGMT 6020 - Organizational Behavior, Ethics and Leadership (3)

    This course focuses on behavior, ethics, and leadership. The course is highly experiential, and is built around a variety of self-assessment instruments, experiential learning exercises, and small group activities. Special emphasis is placed on ethics and leadership topics, with other key organizational behavior topics covered, such as justice, group and team dynamics, communication, job satisfaction, commitment, motivation, stress, and personality. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3010 or equivalent.
  • MGMT 6060 - Operations Management (3)

    An analysis of operations management concepts, tools, and practices as applied to manufacturing and service organizations. Emphasizes the use of operations strategy to gain competitive advantage. Covers areas such as process analysis and capacity planning, product design and process selection, facility location and layout design, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning, and e-operations. Prerequisite(s): ECON 2010 or BISI 5000 .
  • MGMT 6110 - Business Strategy and The Economic Environment (3)

    Examines corporate and business strategy formulation and implementation through the use of case studies. Integrates knowledge of all the business functional areas for establishing and attaining organizational objectives for efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness. Students are challenged to think about the role of ethics and the global nature of the current business environment in decision making. Enrollment priority is given to MBA students in the last semester of their program. Prerequisite(s): All other core MBA courses.
  • MGMT 6220 - Procurement Management (3)

    This course presents the knowledge and insights into strategies, processes and operations of procurement. Contemporary issues include purchasing and outsourcing, supplier management, negotiation, information systems, inventory, performance measurement, and globalization. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 6060 , MKTG 6050 , or consent of the instructor.
  • MGMT 6260 - Supply Chain Management (3)

    Planning and design of systems for goods and service flows in supply chain. Integrated supply chain strategies synthesizing supply management, production, logistics, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Use of e-business in the integration, control, and execution of business processes in the supply chain. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 6060 , ECON 6010 .

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