Oct 01, 2024  
2024 - 2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Undergraduate Catalog

College of Business

Stephen Shanklin, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA, Associate Professor, Interim Dean

Avon Williams Campus

(615) 963-7121

General Statement

The College of Business at Tennessee State University is strongly grounded with a stellar reputation afforded by accreditation at both the undergraduate and graduate levels by the major international accrediting agency for business schools-AACSB International-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The College is poised to successfully fulfill its mission with new academic programs, new corporate alliances, new international partners, and a newly renovated academic facility on the Avon Williams Campus which includes a state-of-the-art financial trading center.


The College of Business strives to achieve national and international prominence in educating current and future business professionals for the global economy.


Our mission is to educate current and future business professionals through innovative teaching and research focused on contemporary business concepts for the global economy, complemented by a commitment to service and lifelong learning.

Guiding Principles and Core Values

  1. Accountability 
  2. Continuous Diversity
  3. Diversity
  4. Ethical Conduct
  5. Excellence
  6. Global Perspective
  7. Mutual Respect
  8. Scholarship
  9. Service
  10. Shared Governance

Student Learning Goals

  • Students will demonstrate essential elements of critical thinking.
  • Students will demonstrate the knowledge to incorporate ethical perspectives in situations that may arise in conducting business.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental attributes of the global economy.
  • Students will communicate business information orally and in writing.
  • Students will effectively apply technology in solving business problems.


The strong credentials of the full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty are exemplified by the fact that 100% hold a doctoral degree and the majority have practical business experience. Instruction is further strengthened by average class sizes of less than thirty students. The instructional program is designed to provide both traditional and innovative teaching approaches and the integration of business ethics, international business, and computer applications throughout the curriculum. Flexibility in class schedule is provided by day, evening, weekend, and online course offerings.


The College of Business has a strong overall record in research productivity. Each faculty member remains current in his or her academic field and contributes to its advancement. The College has two approved Chairs of Excellence. The First Chair of Excellence in Business is currently designed to provide the impetus for accounting research and activities as well as alliances in the community. The Chair of Excellence in Banking and Financial Services is designed to catalyze enhancing the College’s research as well as curriculum development in the area of banking and financial services. Additionally, the College is home to an international refereed journal, the Journal of Developing Areas.

Public Service

Public Service is a strength of the College of Business. Services to the business community are provided through various vehicles including faculty-directed student consulting, Voluntary Income Tax Assistance (VITA), and faculty involvement in the community.


The College of Business is accredited at both the undergraduate and graduate levels by the prestigious AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Student Development Services Advisement

General advising in the College of Business is available Monday through Friday in two advisement centers, Avon Williams Campus, Suite H-408, (615) 963-7138 and Main Campus, Student Development Center, Holland Hall, Room 103, (615) 963-5145. It is recommended that students visit one of these offices regularly to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Students desiring career and academic advisement should contact the department appropriate to their major for the assigned faculty advisor. A student handbook is available as a source of information on the College’s website, www.tnstate.edu/business.

The Student Development Center (SDC), located in Holland Hall on the Main Campus, was established to enhance academic achievement and career success for business majors. The Center maintains a hands-on approach with students and guides them through the matriculation process. The SDC provides easy access to information about College of Business policies, internships, career opportunities, professional development, and student organizations. The Center also produces the College of Business Student Handbook, a guide to College of Business policies and matriculation requirements.


The College of Business shares in the University’s commitment to making international education and cultural understanding of vital importance; thus, our faculty continues to provide an international dimension to their courses and the opportunity for business students to participate in an international experience through study abroad programs. Additional efforts in international education include linkage with the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, a signed contract to deliver MBA courses to students at Tianjin University in China, and a feasibility study to examine opportunities for program delivery in India. These initiatives are aimed at increasing enrollment in the College of Business MBA program. Past international linkages with Northern Caribbean University in Jamaica, Tunis El Manar University in Tunisia, L’viv Institute of Management in Ukraine, and the Malawi Institute of Management have served as the foundation for the vibrant international dimension of the College of Business. The international focus of the College is further evident through the Journal of Developing Areas, an internationally recognized scholarly publication distributed throughout the world.

Career Opportunities and Placement Services

The Director of Experiential Learning and Career Engagement for the College of Business, located on the Avon Williams Campus, Suite H409, (615) 963-7170, provides expansive placement opportunities for business students. Additionally, the University’s Career Development Center on the Main Campus facilitates interviews and information sessions for students desiring internships as well as full-time career positions. Each fall, more than 200 companies recruit on our campus, which includes leading international firms such as IBM, Dell, Cummins, Boeing, General Motors, and Kohl’s. Because of these opportunities, TSU business graduates are contributing to companies throughout Nashville, the state, the nation, and the world.


Scholarships and academic awards are available on a competitive basis for College of Business majors. The awards are based on academic excellence, civic achievements, the course of study, or other specific criteria developed by the sponsor. The scholarships and awards are sponsored by businesses, College advisory, and governing boards, industry, individuals, and professional organizations. For more information and/or applications, contact the College of Business Office of Public Service on the Avon Williams Campus at (615) 963-7369.

Business Community Involvement

Many corporate, business, and government alliances have been forged to further strengthen the College of Business.  Through the College’s seven active advisory and governing boards, industry leaders graciously give their time, expertise, and financial resources to help ensure that our curriculum meets the needs of the industry and that our students are prepared to professionally excel. The College is most appreciative of the support insightful industry leaders have provided by serving on its Accounting Advisory Board, Business Information Systems Advisory Board, COB Board of Advisors, Economics and Finance Advisory Board, Supply Chain Management Governing Board, Hospitality and Tourism Management Board and Alumni Advisory Board.  Some of the industry leaders serving on these boards include Dell, Boeing, Cummins, HCA, and LifeWay.


In a broad sense, the entire business community of Nashville offers an ideal laboratory for student development. The College of Business is situated in the heart of downtown Nashville where faculty and students alike have ready access to sources of business and government information and relationships.

Special resources of the College of Business of particular interest to students are:

  • Accounting Tutorial, Economics, and Statistical Tutorial
  • Department Chair of Excellence in Banking and Financial Services
  • CISCO Lab, Database Lab, Microcomputer Labs, Networking Lab
  • Financial Trading Room
  • First Chair of Excellence in Accounting
  • Hassan Adamu Distinguished Professorship
  • Placement Services Provided by the University Career Development Center Office
  • Special Academic Counselors
  • Student Development Center
  • Student Professional Organizations

Majors in Business

Four undergraduate majors are offered in the College of Business. The curriculum for each of these majors is presented under the section describing each of the four academic departments of the College of Business.

Departments Majors/Degrees Concentrations
Accounting Accounting BBA N/A
Business Administration Business Administration BBA

Supply Chain Management 
Hospitality & Tourism Management
Human Resource Management 

General Business

Business Information Systems Business Information Systems BBA

Business Data Analytics

e-Business Technology Industry

Information Systems

Economics and Finance Economics and Finance BBA



Minors in Business

A minor affords a traditional, well-accepted way to recognize that a student has completed a significant body of work outside the major field. Students may wish to follow up on longtime personal interests, satisfy intellectual curiosity generated by introductory courses, enrich their undergraduate experience, differentiate their program of study from those of fellow students, or enhance their opportunities for employment or admission to graduate or professional schools. Students outside the College of Business may apply for a minor in General Business or other minors offered by the College.

Retention and Graduation

  1. Business majors, who have completed 60 hours of course work, have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, and have completed the following Lower Division business core courses: ACCT 2010, ECON 2010, ECON 2040, and MGMT 1010, are eligible to take Upper division courses (3000/4000 level).
  2. Administrative Withdrawal. A student may be administratively withdrawn from any College of Business course when the student is not eligible to be enrolled in the course.
  3. At least 50 percent of the business credit hours for the business degree must be earned at Tennessee State University.
  4. Transfer students should consult their Department Chair regarding core course requirements if they are transferring to business courses or to determine the acceptability of business courses earned at other institutions.
  5. Up to 12 hours of approved upper-division business credits may be used for degree purposes by students classified as undergraduate special students. However, all upper-division business credits earned before becoming a special student count towards the 12-hour maximum. These students must meet prerequisites for the courses in which they wish to enroll.
  6. A maximum of 36 total semester hours (lower division plus upper division credits) may be completed at TSU as a special student. All college course credits earned before becoming a special student count towards the 36-hour maximum. All course credits earned as a special student (up to the 36-hour maximum) may be counted upon becoming a degree-seeking student.

Credit Hours Required for Graduation:

Credit hours required for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree total a minimum of 120 semester hours for all College of Business majors and concentrations.

Degree Credit for Business Internship and Independent Study Courses

A maximum of six semester hours of credit earned in business internship and independent study courses (combined) may be applied to degree requirements. Approval of the appropriate Department Chair is required to enroll in the College of Business internship and independent study courses. These courses are ACCT 4800 , ACCT 4990, BISI 4800, BISI 4990, ECON 4910, ECON 4980-4990, FINA 4910, FINA 4980, INBU 4910, INBU 4980, MGMT 4800, MGMT 4810, MGMT 4990, and MKTG 4990.

Specific College of Business Graduation Requirements:

  1. Business majors must maintain an overall TSU cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 (not including remedial and developmental courses), a GPA of at least 2.00 in the lower division business core courses, a GPA of at least 2.00 in the upper division business core, and a GPA of at least 2.00 in the ten courses (30 hrs) being used to satisfy the major field plus upper division business elective course requirements.
  2. All business majors, except Accounting, may not have more than two D’s in the ten courses being used to satisfy the major. Accounting majors must have at least a C in all ten courses used to satisfy the major. D’s and F’s in additional (extra) elective courses beyond the 10 courses required for the major will not count toward determining whether the student violates the 2-D policy.
  3. At least 50 percent of the business credit hours required for the business degree must be earned at Tennessee State University; Business Strategy (MGMT 4500 ) should be taken at Tennessee State University during the final semester of enrollment.
  4. Graduation applications will be received only from students who have at least an overall 2.0 GPA.
  5. All business majors are required to review degree requirements with the Office of Undergraduate Studies at least one full semester (before the end of the registration period) before the semester in which graduation is anticipated. Only eligible students will be permitted to remain enrolled in MGMT 4500 (Business Strategy). It is the responsibility of the student to schedule an appointment for his/her senior transcript review.
  6. Business majors must complete 24 of their final 30 hours in residence at TSU.
  7. Students are to participate in performance evaluation measures (taking various tests, responding to inquiries) designated by the College or University.

  Transfer of Credit Policy

  1. The specific credit for work done at other institutions that will apply toward the BBA degree is determined by the Office of Admissions and Records and the appropriate Department Chair in the College of Business. Allowance of transfer credit by the Office of Admissions and Records does not necessarily mean that all of such credit will be applied toward the BBA degree.
  2. The College of Business reserves the right to test the proficiency of any student in coursework transferred from other colleges or universities and the right to disallow transfer credit in such coursework if the student cannot demonstrate acceptable proficiency.
  3. Courses transferred from the community and junior colleges may only be used to meet 3000 and 4000-level business course requirements if they are approved as substitutions by the Department Chair and Dean or validated either by (1) the successful completion of an acceptable CLEP or DANTES examination or (2) the successful completion of a departmental examination. Students will be allowed to apply up to 18 credit hours of upper-division business credit earned through a combination of approved substitution, CLEP, DANTES, and/or credit by exam for their upper-division business course requirements. No more than 9 hours of the transferred course credit may be applied to fulfill the 30-hour requirement in the business major or concentration area.
  4. Transient Status: BBA students who wish to attend another institution as “transient” or “visiting” students to take upper-division business courses for degree credit must get written approval in advance from their Department Chair. Approval is not automatic. MGMT 4500  (Business Strategy) must be taken at TSU.
  5. Re-enrollment after Transferring Elsewhere: BBA students who enroll at another institution as regular students (as opposed to transient or visiting status) will be considered as having transferred to that institution. If such students later re-enroll in the BBA program they may be subject to the curricular degree requirements in effect at the time of their re-enrollment. Such students are encouraged to discuss their transfer to the other institution with their Department Chair in advance if they intend to apply this work toward the BBA degree at TSU.
  6. The College of Business subscribes to the philosophy that a student’s undergraduate program below the junior year should include no advanced, professional-level courses. This philosophy is based on the conviction that the value derived from these advanced courses is materially enhanced when based on a sound foundation.


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