Human Performance and Sport Sciences Major
James E. Heimdal, Ph.D., Department Chair
Office: 332 Gentry Center
Phone: (615) 963-5581
Student Learning Outcomes:
- All graduate candidates will be able to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
- All graduate candidates will communicate ideas clearly in oral, written speech, and hands-on modalities.
- All graduate candidates will prepare independent research projects for the appropriate field.
- All graduate candidates will gain knowledge, skills, and abilities to become leaders in their selected field of study.
Admission Requirements
Unconditional admission to the program requires the applicant to have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university, an undergraduate cumulative GPA or 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale with a minimum score of 137 on the Verbal Reasoning and a minimal score of 138 on Quantitative Reasoning sections of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), or 370 on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT).
Unconditional admission may be gained with a lower grade point average, but the GRE or MAT score must be correspondingly higher. If the undergraduate GPA is between 2.25 and 2.49, the GRE score must be 145 on the Verbal Reasoning section and 146 on the Quantitative Reasoning or the MAT score must be 383. If the GPA is between 2.0 and 2.24, the GRE score must be 149 on the Verbal Reasoning and 150 on the Quantitative, or the MAT score must be 394. Applicants with less than a 2.5 undergraduate GPA must submit test scores at the time of application; applicants with a GPA of 2.5 or above may submit test scores in the first semester of attendance, but it is preferable that the submit test scores at the time of original application. The student must remove conditional status by earning at least a B (3.0) average in the first nine hours of graduate courses; failure to achieve this average will result in withdrawal from the program. Candidacy cannot be attained until the full requirements for unconditional admission are met.
At least eighteen (18) hours of prerequisite study in Health, Physical Education, Recreation or a closely related field must be completed prior to admission to the program.
Degree Requirements
- The M.A.Ed. degree requires a minimum of thirty (30) semester hours of study including nine (9) hours of Major Core courses,and nine hours of Concentration Core courses. The remaining hours are guided electives chosen from the selected concentration with the consent of an advisor.
- Students who elect to write a thesis or project are encouraged to enroll in HPSS 5120 or HPSS 6020 at least one semester prior to the semester in which they intend to complete work for the degree.
- Students who choose the non-thesis option must pass a comprehensive examination prior to graduation.
- Students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA or better to remain in good standing.