Feb 13, 2025  
2021-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Policies and Regulations

All students applying for graduate programs must apply through the online portal for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Admission to the Graduate School as a non-degree student permits the applicant to enroll in graduate courses, yet does not assure that the applicant will be accepted into a degree program or recommended for candidacy for a graduate degree.

Application Deadlines

Priority application deadlines for all programs, except Biological Sciences, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, M.S., Criminal Justice, Nursing, Psychology, Ph.D., Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Pathology:

  Fall Semester July 1
  Spring Semester November 1
  Summer Semester April 1

Priority application deadlines for international applicants:

    International Applicants Abroad International Applicants in the U.S.
  Fall Semester April 1 June 1
  Spring Semester Sept. 1 Oct. 1
  Summer Semester Feb. 1 March 1

Submission of complete applications by the above priority deadlines will ensure consideration by the program coordinators for the respective colleges and departments.

For the following programs, all application documents must be submitted by the deadline indicated below to be considered by the admission committees.

Criminal Justice
  Fall Semester June 15
  Spring Semester November 1
  Summer Semester April 15
  Summer Admission April 1
  Spring Admission December 1
  Fall Admission August 1
Speech Pathology
  Distance Education Admission July 1 for admission in every even year
  Traditional Cohort Admission February 1 of every year
 Biological Sciences Doctoral Program
  Fall Admission only August 1 - November 15
Occupational Therapy February 15
Physical Therapy October 1
  Doctoral Program December 1 for Fall Admission Only
  Masters Psychology February 1 for Fall Admission Only
  Professional School Counseling (M.S.) February 1 for Fall Admission Only

Late applicants are not guaranteed placement in specific classes (see the section on “Non-degree Students”).

General Requirements for Admission to Graduate Studies

1. Submit a completed application for admission and pay application fees through one of the following centralized application services (CAS):

  • accepts applications for the masters degree in Agriculture Sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Criminal Justice, Education, Human Performance and Sports Sciences, Professional Science, Professional Studies, Public Administration, Public Health
  • accepts applications for the doctoral degrees in Biological Sciences, Education and Public Policy & Administration
  • accepts applications for certificates in Applied Geospatial Information System, Educational Technology, Local Government Management, Non-Profit Management, Public Administration Executive Leadership, and Public Policy, 

CSDCAS accepts applications for the MS. Speech and Hearing Science

BusinessCAS accepts applications for the MBA and the Executive MBA

EngineeringCAS accepts applications for the M.E. Engineering, MS, Computer Science, MS-CISE, Ph.D-ENCS

GradCAS accepts applications for all other programs not listed in the other eight (8) CAS systems.

NursingCAS accepts applications for the MSN and certificates in Family Nurse Practitioner, Health Care Admin & Planning, and Holistic Nursing

OTCAS accepts applications for the MOT

PSYCAS accepts applications for the MS and Ph.D. in Psychology

PTCAS accepts applications for the DPT

Social Work CAS accepts applications for the MSW

NOTE: With the exception of GradCAS, all other CAS applications require an additional TSU fee of $35.00/USD.

2. Hold a baccalaureate degree and/or master’s degree from an accredited college or university that offers undergraduate and/or graduate programs that serve as the prerequisites for the degree program at Tennessee State University.

3. Submit all official transcripts from the registrar(s) of all colleges and universities attended (including Tennessee State University). All transcripts must be sent to the appropriate CAS application portal.

Applicants that do not have official transcripts (name of degree and date awarded) uploaded in the appropriate Centralized Application System (CAS) will have a HOLD entered the day after Late Registration -Schedule Adjustment - Drop/Add ends for the first semester you are enrolling in courses. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Failure to meet this condition results in not being able to register for and take courses for the next semester. An unofficial transcript may be reviewed by the department/program coordinator to make a decision to accept the applicant while the official transcript is pending delivery to the appropriate CAS system.

  • If admitted for the Fall term, then the HOLD will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Spring term.
  • If admitted for the Spring term, then the HOLD will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Summer and Fall terms.
  • If admitted for the Summer term, then the HOLD will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Fall term.

4. Submit program specific materials (e.g. test scores, letters recommendations, statement of purpose, etc.). See program specific requirements in the appropriate section of the catalog.

Note: Consult the Graduate School Web site (www.tnstate.edu/graduate) for any changes in admissions standards approved after the preparation of this Catalog.

Graduate Academic Fresh Start Policy (Approved 3/23/2022)

A. Graduate Academic Fresh Start is a process by which a former TSU graduate student with poor academic performance can petition to enter/reenter graduate study and avoid having their previous low grades adversely affect the GPA calculation for newly taken coursework. A previously-enrolled TSU master’s, doctoral, graduate certificate, or non-degree seeking graduate student who has not been enrolled at TSU for at least 2 academic years can petition for admission/readmission under the Graduate Academic Fresh Start policy. Graduate Academic Fresh Start can be used for admission into a new graduate program or for readmission into the prior program; the latter could be for the same or for a different concentration. Students who were dismissed for academic misconduct are not eligible for Graduate Academic Fresh Start. 

B. Students applying for admission under Graduate Academic Fresh Start must follow all normal processes for admission to the School of Graduate and Professional Studies and file a Petition for Graduate Academic Fresh Start. This petition will include a personal statement from the student that addresses professional and/or personal growth during the time absent from TSU Graduate Studies as well as information that will inform the program of current potential for academic success. Once the application for admission is complete and if materials meet standards of initial review by the School of Graduate and Professional Studies, the application and the Graduate Academic Fresh Start petition will be referred to the program admission committee for recommendation. 

C. When a student is admitted under this policy, the transcript will show all courses taken and grades received; however, previous graduate courses will be excluded from the GPA and earned credits calculations. The transcript also will contain the note “Admitted Under Graduate Academic Fresh Start.”. Changes to the academic record are final and immutable. The student’s catalog of record will be the catalog for the year of Graduate Academic Fresh Start admission/readmission. A student can be granted admission into the Graduate Academic Fresh Start only one time. 

D. Up to (9) previous graduate credits for a degree program may be applied to the student’s new program of study at the discretion of the program Department Chair or Coordinator and will be treated as transfer credits. The student must have earned a “B” or better in these courses. Transfer courses must be identified at the time of application and they will be excluded from GPA calculations. Note that these transferred courses will affect matriculation limits and that these courses cannot be considered for revalidation if they exceed matriculation time limits. Thus, a student may need to retake a course if the degree is not completed within the course’s matriculation limits (i.e., 6 years for Master’s and Ed.S. degrees; 10 years for doctoral degrees).

E. This policy is independent of financial aid regulations. Financial aid requirements at the time of application will apply. Therefore, a Graduate Academic Fresh Start applicant should check with his/her financial aid counselor for guidance.

Note: Given that the programs still make the final admission decision after the Fresh Start referral and application.

Falsifying Academic Records

It is a Class A misdemeanor to misrepresent academic credentials. A person commits the offense of misrepresentation of academic credentials who, knowing that the statement is false and with the intent to secure employment at or admission to an institution of higher education in Tennessee, represents, orally or in writing that such person:

Has successfully completed the required course work for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas from an accredited institution of higher education;

Has successfully completed the required course work for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees for diplomas from a particular institution of higher education; or

Has successfully completed the required course work for and has been awarded one (1) or more degrees or diplomas in a particular field or specialty from an accredited institution of higher education.


Proof of Immunization

The State of Tennessee requires students entering college to provide proof of two (2) doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine on or after the first birthday, or proof of immunity to measles if the date of birth is 1957 or after. Students will not be allowed to register for classes until the appropriate form is filed in the health center. For additional information, contact: the Health Center at (615) 963-5291.

The State of Tennessee as of July 1, 2002, requires all new incoming students to obtain an inoculation for meningococcus or sign a waiver stating that they do not want the vaccine. This is an act to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to vaccinations for meningococcal disease. Students with asthma, diabetes or other chronic health problems should make arrangements with their primary care provider to receive flu shots.

Note: As of Fall 2003 TSU will begin a Hepatitis awareness campaign. Students are urged to get vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B. Students and parents should contact their Primary Care Provider for this immunization.

Note: Students who are enrolled exclusively in an online degree program / courses and who are not health science or nursing majors, are not required to present proof of immunization.
UNIVERSITY ADMISSION RESTRICTION: The Office of Student Affairs - Student Health Services oversees the university admission requirements for the Proof of Student Immunizations. Failure to provide proof of immunization records results in Student Health Services restricting enrollment privileges to less than nine (9) credit hours. This restriction will not be removed by Student Health Services until the proof of immunization records are received in Student Health Services (see address below). Complete details and conditions for exemptions for proof of immunization such as online students, religion, etc. may be found on the web site for Student Health Services.

Tennessee State University
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd
​    Student Health Services
    Kean Hall Room 304
P.O. Box 9528
Nashville, TN 37209-1561
Phone: (615) 963-5291
Fax: (615) 963-5084 
Email: studenthealthservices@tnstate.edu

Requirements for Admission to Doctoral Programs

Specific admission requirements for the Ed. D. programs in the Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, and the Ph.D. programs in Engineering and Computational Sciences, Biological Sciences, Psychology and Public Administration can be found in the appropriate sections of this Catalog. See also the table Program Requirements for Admission to Graduate Programs.

*On a case by case basis, doctoral applicants may be admitted with requirements to take pre-requisite courses in order to prepare for the rigor of the program of study.
Applicants that do not have official transcripts (name of degree and date awarded) uploaded in the appropriate Centralized Application System (CAS) will have a HOLD entered the day after Late Registration -Schedule Adjustment - Drop/Add ends for the first semester you are enrolling in courses. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Failure to meet this condition results in not being able to register for and take courses for the next semester. An unofficial transcript may be reviewed by the department/program coordinator to make a decision to accept the applicant while the official transcript is pending delivery to the appropriate CAS system.
  • If admitted for the Fall term, then the HOLD will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Spring term.
  • If admitted for the Spring term, then the HOLD will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Summer and Fall terms.
  • If admitted for the Summer term, then the HOLD will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Fall term.

Requirements for Admission to Specialist in Education Program

Applicants for the Specialist in Education Program have one category of admission: Unconditional. See Departments of Educational Administration and Psychology.

Requirements for Unconditional Admission to Master’s Degree Programs

Admission to a master’s degree program requires the applicant to:

  1. meet the General Requirements for Admission to Graduate Studies listed above and international students must meet the requirements listed in the Admission of International Students section,
  2. hold an undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher on a 4.00 system of grading. Specific details on the minimum GPA required for admission is found on each department/program catalog pages.
  3. produce an acceptable score for the required test as found in the department/program catalog pages for the respective degree.
    • The most commonly used tests for admission are: Fundamentals of Engineering (FE), the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT), the Miller Analogies Test (MAT). If departments and programs use tests not listed here, the information for those other tests will be detailed on the respective department and program catalog pages.
    • See the table Letters of Reference and Required Tests
    • Admission test scores cannot be more than five (5) years old,
  4. meet additional department/program admission requirements such as, providing letters of recommendation, a cover letter, a curriculum vitae or resume, a personal statement or an essay, completion of undergraduate prerequisite coursework, etc. Complete information will be detailed on the respective department and program catalog pages.,
  5. gain acceptance by the graduate program/department with a letter of admission sent from the Dean of the School of Graduate & Professional Studies.

Conditional Admission to Master’s Degree Programs

SPECIAL NOTE: Conditional Admission is not available to students attending the University on an F-1 visa.

The Dean of School of Graduate and Professional Studies upon the recommendation of the department/program temporarily grants conditional admission into a master’s degree program. Continuation in the program as a degree-seeking student is contingent upon fulfilling specific requirements stipulated in the conditional admission letter. The following are the circumstances in which conditional admission may be granted. See department and program catalog pages for complete information given some programs do not grant conditional admission.

1. Applicants that do not have official transcripts (name of degree and date awarded) uploaded in the appropriate Centralized Application System (CAS) will have a HOLD entered that prevents early registration for courses in the next semester. Failure to meet this condition results in not being able to register for and take courses for the next semester. An unofficial transcript may be reviewed by the department/program coordinator to make a decision to accept the applicant while the official transcript is pending delivery to the appropriate CAS system.

  • If admitted for the Fall term, then the HOLD is entered for October 1st and will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Spring term. 
  • If admitted for the Spring term, then the HOLD is entered for March 1st and will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Summer and Fall terms. 
  • If admitted for the Summer term, tthen the HOLD is entered on the date of admission and will prevent registering for classes in the subsequent Fall term.​

2. Those that have a limited number of deficiencies in undergraduate course prerequisites. These deficiencies must be removed before enrollment in graduate courses of the same series.

3. Graduates of accredited colleges who have not taken the Graduate Record Examination, Miller Analogies Test, or other entrance tests before admission. Applicants admitted to degree programs must take any standardized test required (as specified by degree program requirements) during the first semester of enrollment in courses for graduate credit.

4. Graduates of recognized four-year colleges not accredited when the bachelor’s degree was awarded. Such applicants must:

  • present a record of superior scholarship on the undergraduate level
  • present unqualified recommendations from their undergraduate advisors; and,
  • submit an official report of performance on there, MAT or the GMAT or another required test.

5. Students who hold a grade point average below 2.5 must at the time of application submit standardized entrance exam scores that will qualify them for admission (see departmental sections for specific score requirements). After admission, those students are required to take nine (9) semester hours of course work specified by the graduate coordinator of the programmatic major field. If a 3.00 or higher grade point average is attained, the student is permitted to petition for a change of classification.

NOTE: Students who have been conditionally admitted to a master’s program must satisfy all stipulated conditions by the time a program of study is filed or prior to accumulating a maximum of 15 graduate hours. A test score condition must be met within the first semester of enrollment in courses for graduate credit. A maximum of 15 hours of graduate work will be counted toward the degree when admission requirements are met.

Non-Degree Admission

Non-Degree applicants are those who selected one of the following on the Application for Admission.

  • Non Degree Graduate & Professional Studies
  • Non Degree Teacher Education
  • Graduate School & Professional Development (PD & Training)

These applicants must meet General Requirements for Admission to Graduate Studies. Non-Degree applicants must provide an official transcript denoting the highest degree earned from an accredited college(s)/university(ies). Applicants who graduated from TSU will be have their transcripts officially verified by the Office of Records. Additionally, applicants must meet all prerequisites for the courses they intend to enroll. Non-Degree Admission to the Graduate School is granted to those who desire to enroll in courses, but do not intend to qualify for a degree. The Non-Degree Admission category includes those entering Graduate School for the purpose of:

  • completing certification requirements for licensure by the State Department of Education. Students should consult with the certification officer in the College of Education.
  • earning thirty plus (30+) hours beyond the Master’s degree.
  • enriching their professional development.
  • transferring credits earned to a degree program at another institution.
  • taking courses pending admission to a degree program (9 hour maximum).
  • enrolling in any of the ten graduate certificate programs currently offered by the University.

Credits earned in the non-degree category are not ordinarily requirements for degrees. If a Non-Degree student is accepted into a degree program, the student may petition the program/department to carry forward not more than nine (9) semester hours of credit that were earned as a Non-Degree student in graduate-level courses provided that the grade in each course was not less than Grade-B. Departments may restrict a Non-Degree student from designated courses.

If any of these students desire to change their status to degree-seeking, they must complete a Change of Program or Personnel form or an application for admission to the Graduate School, submit all required documents such as test scores, and subsequently be accepted for admission to the graduate degree program by the graduate program coordinator in that academic unit, in accordance with individual departmental program requirements.

Conditional Admission of Non-Degree Program (Approved 3/23/2022)

Students who hold an accredited bachelor’s degree with an earned grade point average below the Graduate School Unconditional average of 2.5; not exceeding lower than a 2.0 GPA at the time of application, may petition to the Graduate Dean for conditional admission limited to one graduate course of three credit hours the first admitted semester earning a GPA of 3.0 or better to continue as a non-degree student (not to exceed (9) semester hours). Credits earned as a non-degree student cannot be applied to a degree unless petitioned and approved by the respective college/department.

Table of Program Requirements 

Refer to Department/Program catalog pages for detailed and specific information.
College/ Major Degree Offered Letters of Reference Required Test Other
College of Agriculture

Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

M.S. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Food and Animal Sciences

M.S. 3 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Environmental Science

M.S. 3 GRE  See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Professional Science Masters

P.S.M. 2 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
College of Business

Business Administration

M.B.A.   GMAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
College of Education

Educational Leadership

M.Ed. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
  Ed.S. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
  Ed.D. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Curriculum & Instruction

M.Ed. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
  Ed.D. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Special Education

M.Ed. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.


M.S. 3 (Counseling Psychology only) GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
  Ph.D. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Professional School Counseling

M.S. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
College of Engineering


M.E. 2  FE as required by the program See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Computer, Information, and Systems Engineering

M.S. 2   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Computer Science

M.S 2   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Ph.D. 3   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
College of Health Sciences

Human Performance & Sports Sciences

M.A.Ed.   GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.


M.S.N. 3   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.


F.N.P. 3   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Occupational Therapy

M.O.T. 3 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Physical Therapy

D.P.T. 2 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Public Health

M.P.H. 3 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Speech & Hearing Science

M.S. 3 GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
College of Liberal Arts

Criminal Justice

M.C.J.   GRE or MAT See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
College of Life & Physical Sciences        


M.S. 3   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Biological Sciences

Ph.D. 3   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.


M.S.     See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
College of Public Service 

Public Administration

M.P.A. 3 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.
  Ph.D. 3 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Professional Studies

M.P.S./TNeCampus 3 GRE See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Social Work

M.S.W. 3   See department admission information for additional documents that may be required.

Non-Degree Students

The Dean of School of Graduate and Professional Studies is the advisor for non-degree students not pursuing certification or licensure. These students are those who have selected Non-Degree on the CAS application. They may also be classified as students earning thirty hours or more beyond the master’s, students qualifying for certification, students earning credit to transfer to another university (transient students), or students pending acceptance into a degree program.

If any of these students desire to change their status to degree-seeking, they must complete a “Change of Program or Personnel” form or an application for admission to the Graduate School, submit all required documents such as test scores, and subsequently be recommended for admission to the graduate degree program by the Graduate Faculty in that unit, in accordance with individual departmental program requirements.

Procedures for Admission

A prospective student should apply for admission at least six weeks before the beginning of the semester in which the student wishes to enroll. The applicant who does not enter the Graduate School during the term of admission indicated on the application form must re-apply. The procedures for admission are these:

  1. Complete Online Graduate Admission Application Form. Select one major from the list provided on the application form, check the semester of enrollment, and indicate the degree sought;
  2. Pay the application fee to the selected CAS. Request the registrar(s) of all colleges and universities attended (including Tennessee State University) to send one official transcript to the Graduate School;
  3. Submit official copies of all test scores appropriate to the degree program to the selected CAS.

Do not send any documents to the Graduate School. All documents must be sent to your CAS ID.

A person, who wishes to take courses for graduate credit, whether or not that person desires to become a candidate for a degree, must make a formal application for admission to the Graduate School.

Readmission for Graduate Students in Good Academic Standing

Readmission applies to students in Good Academic Standing who have not been in continuous enrollment in Graduate School. For example, students who did not enroll in courses during the Fall or Spring semester of a given academic year must reapply for admission to Graduate School. The procedures for readmission are:

  1. Open the online readmission application and complete the form in its entirety.
  2. If you attended another college or university during the time not enrolled at Tennessee State University and took courses for credit, then you must request the Registrar at each college or university attended to send your transcript(s) to the CAS application.

    NOTE: these procedures cannot be used for Readmission Following Suspension.

Stop-the-Clock Policy (Approved 3/23/2022)

The three conditions listed below - Leave of Absence, Parenting Leave, and Deployed Military - provide opportunities to Stop-the-Clock, meaning that time taken for these does not count toward the six (6) year and ten (10) year time limits for Master’s, Ed.S., Ed.D., and Ph.D. degrees as specified above. Receipt of one of the following conditions triggers a remediation plan by the student’s Department, to ensure that the student has a plan for program completion in place. 

Leave of Absence. The time taken on an approved leave of absence is not included in the time limitations for degree completion and advancement to candidacy. The student must submit a Stop the Clock application form and select leave of absence as the eligibility criterion. If granted, the student will receive an extension of all unexpired masters or doctoral time limits for the duration of the leave of absence (one calendar year from the date leave is approved). A leave of absence is granted for degree-seeking graduate students in active status who must be away from their studies for one calendar year for personal, family, financial, or other compelling reasons. Prior to applying for a leave of absence, students should consider its potential implications for such matters as funding (including assistantships and veterans’ benefits), loan repayment, immigration status, and health insurance. 

To be eligible for a leave of absence, a student must be seeking a graduate degree, have completed at least one full semester of enrollment prior to the date a leave is to begin, and be in good academic standing and making reasonable progress toward the degree. Leaves will not be granted to students who have received an extension of the degree time limit. 

Leaves of absence are initially granted for a maximum of three semesters (e.g., spring, summer, fall). Leaves requested for a longer period are approved only in exceptional circumstances (for example, mandatory military service). An additional extension of leave beyond the initial three semesters, may be approved for a maximum of one additional year or three consecutive semesters. Extension requests must be made before the expiration of the original leave of absence. Leaves of absence may not stop-the-clock for more than a cumulative total of two years (six semesters including summer semesters), although such leave may be combined with Parenting Leave and/or Deployed Military Leave as described below. 

Students on leave must return to graduate study after their approved period, complete an application for readmission to the graduate school, and enroll in at least three credit hours of course work to minimize the impact of the leave on degree progress. 

If a student does not return to the graduate program (i.e., register for courses) after the approved period for which the leave of absence was granted, he or she will be considered as having permanently withdrawn from the university. To be reconsidered for graduate study, students who have permanently withdrawn must formally apply to their program of interest in order to be readmitted under the normal rules of an unapproved absence.

Family Leave. A graduate student meeting one or more of the following conditions, who is in good academic standing, is eligible for a total of 3 semesters (including summer) leave of absence for parenting:

  • Primary responsibility for the care of:
    • an infant immediately following birth
    • a child under the age of five
    • or an adopted child under age five. 
    • or an immediate family member such as a spouse, child, or parent.

The student must submit a stop the clock application form to request the leave. If granted, the student will receive an extension of all unexpired masters or doctoral time limits for the duration of the leave of absence (up to 3 semesters, including summer). During the semester in which childbirth or adoption occurs, the graduate student may choose one of the following options:

  • Continue registering as a full-time graduate student and retain eligibility for support, in which case the clock is not stopped and time limits will not be adjusted.
  • Reduce to part-time status (6 credit hours or less) and be eligible for up to 25% time employment on campus. Again, the clock will not be stopped in this instance.
  • Take a leave of absence for up to 3 semesters, including summer. During this time, an extension of all unexpired masters or doctoral time limits for the duration of the approved request to stop the clock

The total amount of time for which graduate students may receive extensions of time limits for parenting may not exceed three semesters (including summer) in a graduate student’s career at TSU. However, approved leave for parenting is separate from and may be combined with the leave of absence criterion available to all graduate students, as described above.

Deployed Military Leave. For deployed military personnel, the graduate school time limits will stop when a student is granted a military leave of absence for the duration of the active duty military deployment. The time spent on a deployed military leave of absence will not be counted towards the total time-to-degree, and continuous registration will not be required. Upon return, the student will be required to complete an application for readmission to the graduate school

Readmission for TSU Alumni as Non-Degree Students

A Tennessee State University alumnus who is not seeking a degree program must be readmitted to the Graduate School as a Non-Degree student. After the readmission has been processed, the alumnus will be able to register for a course(s). The procedures for readmission are:

  1. Open the online readmission application and complete the form in its entirety.
  2. The Graduate School will verify your degree and place a copy of your transcript in the Banner system (BDMS).
  3. An official letter of admission will be sent with information on how to enroll for a course(s) in Banner.

    NOTE: These procedures are exclusively for Tennessee State University alumni. No other student seeking readmission can use this process.

Admission of International Students

The Graduate School accepts students from other countries who apply and meet the admission standards for the University and the United States Department of Homeland Security. It is mandatory for all international students to be admitted unconditionally (with the exception of pre-requisite courses) in order that the Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status (Form I-20) can be issued for students needing the F-1 Visa to attend Tennessee State University.

International Applicants Must Submit

  1. A completed application for Admission (online or paper application form) to Graduate School,
  2. Certification of English proficiency from any one of the following tests or methods:
    • a minimum score of 525 (Paper Test) or 71 (Internet-based Test) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL),
    • a minimum score of 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS),
    • a minimum score of 95 on the online Duolingo test,
    • a successful completion of TSU Intensive English Center (IEC) Level 8,
    • evidence of English language proficiency (transcripts, certificates, etc.) from an accredited U.S. institution equivalent to the required IELTS or TOEFL scores (NOTE: submitted documentation will be reviewed and evaluated by TSU’s Intensive English Center),
    • evidence of ELS Level 112 Certificate Completion,
    • or students who have completed their undergraduate degree or a minimum of 9 credit hours of graduate courses with a minimum 3.0 GPA at a college or university within the U.S. may submit an official transcript to demonstrate English proficiency,
  3. Official transcripts or authorized school records with a listing of courses and grades received; such transcripts must have been evaluated by a foreign educational credential agency, at the student’s expense, and uploaded to the appropriate Centralized Application System (CAS). The following are foreign evaluation vendors that applicants have used in the past. This list is not all-inclusive, and no particular vendor or service is endorsed by Tennessee State University. Other evaluation vendors can be found on the following websites:
  4. Evidence of financial resources sufficient to cover educational and living expenses for one academic year tuition and fees for the academic year ($37,000/USD).
    • NOTE: If the financial statements are not in the student’s name then an Affidavit of Support must be provided by the sponsor.
  5. The $35.00 non-refundable application fee,
  6. Applicable test scores, such as GMAT, GRE, FE, MAT, etc. as required by the specific program,
  7. All international students applying for admission who have a student visa shall submit a certificate from a licensed physician or a qualified medical authority verifying freedom from tuberculosis within thirty (30) days from the first day of classes. Failure to submit such certificate shall result in denial of further enrollment or admission. In the event that the student either has tuberculosis or has potential tuberculosis requiring medical treatment, continued enrollment will be contingent upon the determination by a licensed physician that further enrollment does not present a risk to others and upon the student’s compliance with any prescribed medical treatment program.
  8. Note: It is mandatory that all F-1 students have health insurance upon enrollment for the duration of their studies. The policy must meet the minimum coverage requirements of the University’s provider including a clause for Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains.
  9. After admission, copies of a Visa or Alien Registration card must be submitted before the student may enroll.
  10. International students transferring from another SEVP certified institution must submit a SEVIS Status Verification Form completed and signed by the Designated School Official from the transferring institution prior to the transfer of an I-20.

Residency Classification

The Admissions Office is charged with the determination of a student’s residency status for fee-paying purposes and as the basis for some University admission requirements. Classification is determined by information submitted on the admission application and/or application for re-classification. Notification in writing is made soon after the student applies for re-classification.

The deadline dates are:

  Summer Session April 1
  Fall Semester July 1
  Spring Semester November 1

All decisions are based on regulations established by the State of Tennessee with the intent that all Tennessee public institutions of higher education apply uniform classification rules. Should a student be denied in-state classification, the student has the right of appeal. The appeal steps are

  1. Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies
  2. Vice President for Academic Affairs
  3. President of the University

Advanced Graduate Admission for Undergraduates

An undergraduate senior student at Tennessee State University with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 who is enrolled in the last term of course work that will complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree, may request advanced graduate admission to enroll in 3 to 6 hours of graduate courses provided the total course load does not exceed 12 hours. Courses for seniors are limited to first-year graduate-level courses. Graduate courses may not be used for credit toward an undergraduate degree. The Combination Senior is not considered a graduate student but may apply for admission to a graduate program upon completion of the bachelor’s degree.

However, advanced admission to take graduate courses does not guarantee subsequent admission to a graduate program. Courses taken for graduate credit may count toward a graduate degree when/if the student is admitted to a degree program at TSU and if approved by the program’s graduate coordinator and departmental chairperson. The form for Advanced Graduate Admission and an Application to the Graduate School must be completed six weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which advanced admission is sought.

Auditing a Course

Students who plan to audit a course must indicate at the time of registering that they are auditing. The regular registration procedure is followed. Students are not held to attendance or evaluation requirements for the course, and credits earned by an audit may not be used to meet degree requirements. The audit fee is the same as the credit fee.

Transfer of Credit

At the master’s level, a student may be allowed a maximum of twelve (12) semesters or eighteen (18) quarter hours of graduate credit from another accredited college or university. At the educational specialist and doctoral level, a maximum of six (6) semester hours may be transferred. The Transfer of Credit is a fillable form that is to be completed with assistance from the assigned faculty advisor or program coordinator. The course credits being considered for transfer must be evaluated by the graduate program coordinator, department chair, college dean of the academic unit, and the dean of the Graduate School. Only courses in which the student earned grades of “B” or better, and which are taken within the degree program time limit, will be considered for transfer.

Class Loads

Regular Students

Full-time status is attained when the graduate student enrolls in at least nine (9) credit hours in one semester. When a student enrolls in any courses for credit, the maximum class load for either the fall or spring semester shall be twelve (12) hours. Students may take up to fifteen (15) hours with an overload approval by the department chair/program coordinator. The maximum load for either Summer Session I or Session II shall be six semester hours of credit. Students desiring to carry an overload must have the endorsement of the Major Advisor or the Dean of the College/School.

Second Master’s Degree

Students may not be simultaneously enrolled in two Master’s degree programs. Credits earned to fulfill requirements for the first Master’s degree may not be used to satisfy any of the requirements for the second Master’s degree, or reduce the number of hours for the second Master’s degree.

Withdrawal from Classes and/or the University

The deadline for withdrawing from classes and/or the university is specified in the academic calendar for each semester.

The proper forms for withdrawing from a class will be provided by the Office of Admissions and Records. Withdrawal is official only after the form has been completed and submitted to the Office of Admissions.

If a student never attends a class officially registered for or stops attending a class without officially withdrawing, that student will be assigned a final grade of “F”.

Academic Standards

Grading System for Graduate Degrees

Graduate instruction assumes that the student has both the interest and the ability to do independent study and research of outstanding quality. Thus, a graduate student must maintain a minimum average of “B” (3.0 quality/grade points on a 4.0 point system) in all graduate work. Course grades are: A, B, C, D, and F.In master’s degree programs, grades less than “C” are counted in compiling the general average, but they may not be included in the requirements for the degree. For information about “C’s” in doctoral programs, please see specific program descriptions in this Catalog.

The grade of “I”, incomplete, indicates that the student’s work in a course is incomplete but otherwise satisfactory. The “I” grade must be removed from the graduate student’s permanent record within one semester from the end of the term in which the “I” grade was awarded. If all requirements for removal of the “I” are not met within this period, the “I” grade will be changed to “F” by the Office of Admissions and Records. All enrollments in dissertation, thesis or project writing courses shall carry the grade of “I” until the project is completed. The final letter grade is awarded to each previous enrollment where an “I” was awarded.

Grade Appeal

The University recognizes the right of a student to appeal a grade which she/he believes is incorrect and does not reflect the student’s class performance. Issues related to harassment (sexual, racial, or other) should be referred to the Affirmative Action Officer.

Students who believe an incorrect grade was awarded should seek a resolution with the instructor as soon as possible. If the student is not satisfied after attempting to reconcile the matter with the instructor, the student may appeal to the head of the department. This appeal must be in writing, accompanied by all relevant supporting documents, and must be initiated within 30 calendar days of the beginning of the semester immediately following the semester in which the grade was awarded (excluding summer school).

The department head should provide a copy of the student’s letter to the instructor and request a written response from the instructor. The instructor will provide the department head with a written response within 10 working days. (Exceptions will apply when the instructor is not teaching, as in the summer session, or when the instructor is on leave.) In instances where an instructor indicates to a student that a grade adjustment is warranted, and fails to make the adjustment within ten working days, the student should inform the instructor’s department head.

If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the department head, a further written appeal may be made to the Dean of the College/School. This appeal must be made within ten calendar days of the decision of the department head. After reviewing the appeal record, the Dean must render a decision within ten days of the receipt of the appeal, after which the Vice President for Academic Affairs is the final level of appeal.

If the instructor happens to be the department head or the dean, the appeal will be submitted to the next higher academic officer (that is, to the dean of the department head is the instructor or the Vice President if the dean is the instructor). In such cases the decision of the Vice President is final.

Grades, transcript information, drop/adds, withdrawals, and other data perceived by the student to be in error must be appealed by the student within thirty days. Appeals made after this time will not be reviewed.

“I” Grade Exception

All enrollments in dissertation, thesis, or project writing courses, except the last, shall be entered on the permanent records as “I”. In Thesis Writing, only the last enrollment shall carry the letter grade and the number of credit hours earned. However, in dissertation writing, the final letter grade is awarded to each previous enrollment where an “I” was awarded, up to the maximum number of hours set by the program.

Repeating a Course

A given course may be repeated one time only, and the second grade will replace the first. A student may repeat a maximum of two (2) courses in a given program for the purpose of improving grades. Departments may establish more restrictive policies.


A cumulative average of “B” (3.0 quality points) in all graduate courses taken at Tennessee State University is required for graduation or graduate certificate completion. Departments may establish more restrictive retention requirements.

Probation and Suspension

If a student has completed nine (9) or more semester hours of graduate work earning an average less than 3.0, that student will be placed on scholastic probation. Probationary status must be removed by raising the cumulative grade average to a “B” or better during the next nine (9) hours of graduate work following the probationary period. Failure to raise the cumulative grade point average to “B” or better will result in suspension from Graduate School. Students who have been suspended may apply for readmission after one full semester. Summer terms are not counted toward this requirement.

Readmission After Suspension

Applications for readmission after suspension are reviewed with recommendations rendered by the Graduate Council Appeals and Petition Committee with final approval by the of the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Readmitted students receive stipulations that must be followed to regain and maintain a status of good academic standing. Any student who fails to follow the stipulations for readmission will likely be suspended a second time. All readmitted students should maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 during any semester after readmission.

Time In Residence

All candidates for the Master’s degree must spend two semesters of study in residence at the University after admission to the Graduate School program.

Students in the Ed. D. program must establish academic residency by completing a minimum of eighteen (18) hours at Tennessee State University, excluding dissertation credit, over a period of four (4) academic year semesters or two (2) academic year semesters and two (2) summer registrations (two sessions per one summer equals one registration).

Students pursuing the Ph.D. program in Psychology must enroll full-time for two (2) consecutive semesters [nine (9) hours each semester].

A student in the Ph.D. degree program in Public Administration must establish academic residency at Tennessee State University before being advanced to candidacy. The student may meet residency requirements by completing four courses from the Ph.D. core requirements within a two-year period.

Students in the Biological Science Ph.D. program must meet residency requirements by completing a minimum of eighteen graduate credit hours at Tennessee State University during an academic year consisting of three consecutive semesters, which may include a full summer term and one semester.

Students in the Engineering and Computational Sciences Ph.D. program must meet the residency requirements by completing a minimum of twenty-seven (27) graduate credit hours at Tennessee State University. The student may meet the residency requirement by completing all the required core courses and at least two (2) seminar courses.

Time Limitations for Completing Degree Requirements

All requirements for the Master’s degree and Educational Specialist degree must be completed within six calendar years, beginning with the first semester of enrollment in courses for graduate credit. Graduate courses taken more than six (6) years prior to completion of all degree requirements must be repeated in order to be included in the credit hour requirement for the degree, except in certain substantiated cases of extreme hardship.

Credits earned more than ten (10) years prior to the student’s graduation cannot be applied toward meeting requirements for the Ed. D. or Ph.D. degrees.

Extension of Time Limitations

Extension of time for completing course requirements may occasionally be granted because of interruptions in graduate studies due to extenuating circumstances, such as family leave, illness, or military services.

In case of illness, the student is required to present to the Dean of Graduate Studies a notarized certificate from a fully qualified attending physician indicating (a) the general nature of the illness, (b)the duration of the illness, (c) the extent of the disability, and(d)if employed during illness, limitations on activities required by the attending physician. The University reserves the right to consult the University medical staff if making final decisions on such certificates.

In case of military services, the student must present evidence of service while enrolled in Graduate School, or during regular intervals of enrollment.

All petitions to extend the program of study beyond the degree program time limits must be submitted by the student before the courses expire, using the Graduate School Appeal/Petition Form. Following a positive recommendation by the Advisor, Department Head, and Academic Dean, the petition will be sent to the Graduate School for review by the Graduate Council Appeals Committee, and finally the Graduate Council. The decision of the Graduate Council is final.

Extensions will be granted with the following stipulations.

  1. There will be only one such extension granted, for a time period specified on the Appeal/Petition Form.
  2. Courses taken outside the degree program time limits may not be counted toward the degree unless they are revalidated to demonstrate that mastery of knowledge/skills is current. Revalidated courses are added back to the Program of Study.
  3. The plan for revalidation must be prepared in conjunction with the student’s major department and submitted with the Appeal/Petition Form.
  4. Mechanisms for revalidating out-of-date courses are limited to the following:
    1. re-taking expired courses; or
    2. re-taking related courses (equal in credit hours to the expired courses) approved by the department, and added to the Program of Study; or
    3. re-taking a competency test (qualifying or comprehensive examination) administered by the department.
  5. Revalidation will only apply to courses on the approved Program of Study or approved as transfer credit for inclusion in the Program of Study.
  6. Students who have been out of school for one or more semesters must apply for readmission to Graduate School.
  7. Departments may reserve the right to deny extensions. No extensions will be reviewed by the Graduate School without a recommendation from the Advisor, Department Head, and Academic Dean.
  8. If approved for an extension, documentation of completion of the approved revalidation plan must be submitted to the Graduate School by the department, and the Program of Study must be submitted or revised to indicate revalidated courses.

Appeal/Petition Process for Readmission Following Suspension, Retention In Degree Program, Time Extension for Completing Degree Requirements

Appeals/Petitions for any of the above reasons are subject to the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School in consultation with the Graduate Council Appeals Committee, and with the appropriate Graduate Coordinator, Department Chair and Dean. Students should complete the Appeal/Petition form provided by the Graduate School, and submit to the Advisor/Coordinator. The signed form will be given to the Graduate Council Appeals Committee for review and recommendation. The Graduate Dean’s decision is final.

Note: Admission Decision Appeals are submitted directly to the program coordinator or department chair.

Application for Graduation

The Application for Graduation must be completed early in the semester before the student intends to graduate (dates are posted on TSU Website). If the student does not graduate in the semester for which the application was made, another application must be submitted for the intended semester of graduation.

Human Subjects

All research involving Human Subjects must be approved prior to initiating data collection, in accordance with guidelines and procedures available on the TSU Office of Sponsored Research Web Site: www.tnstate.edu/research.

Academic Integrity Statement

Conferral of a graduate degree implies personal integrity and knowledge of, and adherence to, scholarly methods and ethical standards both within a discipline and the University as a whole. The graduate student is also expected to work in accordance with local, state, federal, and international standards, regulations and laws, in all aspects of his or her program of study. There are three areas in which graduate students should be particularly cautious: (1) plagiarism, (2) the use of copyrighted material, and (3)adherence to research ethics.

Because the purpose of any university is the origination and honest dissemination of knowledge, any act that fails to forward those aims must be judged unethical. Violations of the University’s standards of Academic Integrity will be investigated when suspected and sanctioned if established. Sanctions include dismissal from the university or revocation of degree(s).

Plagiarism is the presentation of another’s works or ideas as one’s own. This includes the undocumented word-for-word use and/or paraphrasing of another person’s work, and/or the inappropriate undocumented use of another person’s ideas. To avoid plagiarism, every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks or by appropriate indentation and must be properly cited in the text or in a footnote.

Documentation is required when material from another source stored in print, electronic or other medium is copied, quoted, paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in one’s own words. Plagiarism may also arise from using one’s own work (e.g., previously submitted for credit in another course) without proper documentation or consent of the instructor. In order to avoid questions of plagiarism, students involved in collaborative research should be careful to document the work of all collaborators. If in doubt, the student should consult with the course instructor, program advisor and/or the graduate school about the course work or project. The graduate student is obligated to the ethical and responsible use of copyrighted material. This includes following the standards of academic Fair Use of copyrighted materials, established by the U.S. and international law. In order to avoid questions of copyright violation, the student should consult with the course instructor, program advisor and/or Director of Libraries regarding any use of copyrighted material in presentations, classroom demonstrations, theses, dissertations, etc.

The graduate student must adhere to the ethical standards for research established within the discipline of his/her program of study and the University-as well as to all local, state, federal and international standards, regulations and law. Unethical acts in research include falsification or deliberate misrepresentation of data, mistreatment of human or animal subjects, failure to follow standards regarding the use of hazardous materials, etc. The graduate student must adhere to research protocols established by the program and University to maintain proper institutional control of all research activities conducted by University administration, staff, faculty, and students. Many forms of research conducted by the student, either independently or with a faculty member, will require oversight by the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) process.

In particular, the use of hazardous materials (with concerns for radioactivity or bio-safety) and human /animal subjects requires review and approval from authorities both within and outside the University before it proceeds. The student should consult and gain the necessary approvals from the program advisor and the appropriate research review committee in the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs before engaging in any such research activity.

The University recognizes the right of a graduate student to appeal a sanction for failure to adhere to the University’s standard for Academic Integrity. If the student believes that a sanction has been incorrectly applied, he/she may make an appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. This appeal must be in writing, accompanied by any relevant supporting documents, and must be initiated within 30 calendar days of the beginning of the semester immediately following the semester in which the sanction was applied (Summer School excluded). The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is final.

Program of Study Degrees and Certificates

Certificate Programs

A certificate program is a planned sequence of graduate-credit courses in a specialized area that does not lead to a degree itself. A graduate certificate is designed for post-baccalaureate, graduate, or post-graduate students. A certificate program may function independently of a degree program. Credits earned in a certificate program may be applied to a graduate degree in a related field. Certificates are currently offered through the Department of Public Administration, Department of Agricultural Sciences, and the Division of Nursing.

Application and Admission Requirements

Prospective students desiring to enroll for graduate certificate study must apply through the Office of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research. Applicants must possess a least a baccalaureate degree in the same or related field and meet the minimum admission criteria set by the Graduate School. Departments/Programs may establish higher admission standards. Students must be admitted unconditionally to a certificate program. A student in an existing master’s or doctoral program may apply for admission to a certificate program.

Credit-Hour Requirements

Credit-hour requirements for graduate certificates vary by program. The minimum credit-hour requirement for certificate programs is 15 semester graduate credit hours. Some certificate programs require more than 15 semester credit hours.

Retention and Completion Requirements

To maintain good standing, a student must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better in all graduate work attempted. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for the successful completion of a graduate certificate. Grades of D or F are not accepted for any certificate credit, but these grades will be computed in GPA. Students must submit an approved program of study to the Graduate School during the first semester of enrollment in a certificate program.

Time Limits for Certificate Completion Requirements

All requirements for a certificate program must be completed within three calendar years, beginning with the first semester of enrollment in graduate credit.

Transfer Credit-Hour Requirements

A certificate student may be allowed to transfer a maximum of 6 semester credit hours or 9 quarter hours from an accredited college or university. Courses taken for meeting the requirements for a degree program at Tennessee State University cannot be used for obtaining a certificate unless the student has applied for the certificate, been accepted, and submitted an approved program of study to the Graduate School.

Graduation Requirements

To be cleared for the award of a Graduate Certificate, a student must meet the following requirements: (1) Applied and admitted to a certificate program; (2) Successfully completed all course requirements outlined on the approved program of study with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher; and (3) Applied for graduation for the certificate (filed the TSU Application for Graduation) during the last semester of enrollment.

Master’s Degrees

Candidacy and Program of Study

Admission to candidacy is an important step in the student’s progress toward a degree. The step indicates that the student has successfully completed an important portion of his/her graduate studies, has outlined the remainder of his/her program of study, is considered a capable graduate student and is viewed as a worthy candidate for an advanced degree in his/her field of specialization. Recommendation for candidacy, therefore, is based upon performance on admission tests, completion of prerequisite courses, classwork, and professional behavior.

Master’s Degrees

Performance in core courses and major field courses is deemed significant. Students must apply for admission to candidacy after they earn at least nine (9) semester hours of graduate credit but before having earned fifteen (15) credit hours. The Program of Study and Advancement to Candidacy form should be completed in consultation with the advisor, signed by the appropriate persons and returned to the Graduate School. Changes in the approved Program of Study require the written approval of the adviser and the Dean of the Graduate School. The Change of Program or Personnel form may be obtained from the Graduate School.

Procedures for Admission to Candidacy

When the student has completed nine (9) semester hours of graduate credits with a cumulative grade point average of 3.00, and has removed all incomplete (I-grades) from the permanent record in the Office of Admissions and Records, and met any admissions conditions, the student is ready to be admitted to candidacy.

Students Not Admitted to Candidacy Who Have Successfully Completed Nine Hours of Graduate Credit

After successful completion of nine (9) semester hours but not more than fifteen (15) semester hours of graduate course work with a grade point average of 3.0 or above, the student must be advanced to candidacy. The student who is not advanced to candidacy will not be allowed to take additional course work. Students who have been conditionally admitted to a master’s program must satisfy all stipulated conditions by the time a Program of Study is filed or prior to accumulating a maximum of 15 graduate hours. A test score condition must be met within the first semester of enrollment in courses for graduate credit. A maximum of 15 hours of graduate work will be counted toward the degree when admission requirements are met.

Courses taken after the term in which the fifteen (15) hours were completed may not apply toward the completion of the requirements for the degree.

No student will be permitted to graduate the same semester in which Candidacy is achieved.

It is the primary responsibility of the student to be familiar with the policies and regulations governing advancement to candidacy.

Master of Arts in Education

The Master of Arts in Education program is open to students in teacher education. This degree is offered in Human Performance and Sports Sciences. The requirements for admission to this program include the following:

  1. A 3.0, “B” average, in at least twenty semester credit hours in Education on the undergraduate level.
  2. Removal of all undergraduate course deficiencies as determined by the student’s major and minor professors.

All candidates for the Master of Arts in Education degree must complete a minimum of 33 graduate credit hours of course work, a thesis or a terminal project, and a final oral comprehensive examination. Some graduate curricula in teacher education require a 10 credit hour content area outside the department or concentration.

Master of Business Administration

The Master of Business Administration degree program is designed for both full-time and part-time students who wish to improve their managerial abilities. Its structure blends functional business disciplines into a cohesive unit of courses that apply to decision-making in business, government, and the community. Elective courses are offered in four concentrations-Accounting, Healthcare Economics & Management, Management of Information Systems, and Supply Chain Management.

After satisfaction of prerequisites, requirements include a minimum of thirty-six (36) semester hours.

Master of Criminal Justice

The Master of Criminal Justice degree is a joint program offered by Tennessee State University and Middle Tennessee State University. Resident study at both institutions is required. The purpose of this program is to provide students and practitioners in the criminal justice system the opportunity to obtain advanced education in the area of Criminal Justice.

The requirements for the Master of Criminal Justice include a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours including enrollment in eighteen (18) hours at Middle Tennessee State University and six (6)hours of research and thesis writing. The thesis will be supervised by faculty designated at the time of admission to Candidacy.

Master of Education

The Master of Education degree is open to students in education programs. This degree is offered in Instructional Leadership, Elementary Education, Special Education, Music Education, and Curriculum and Instruction.

The special requirements for the Master of Education degree include successfully completing a course in research methodology and a two-part comprehensive examination: one covering the field of professional education, the other the student’s field of concentration. The comprehensive examination is taken in the last semester of enrollment. Students seeking administrative licensure must also pass the School Leaders Licensure Examination (SLLA).

Master of Engineering

The Master of Engineering degree is offered with concentrations in Biomedical, Civil, Environmental, Electrical, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering. It requires a minimum of thirty-three (33)graduate credit hours of course work including three (3)semester hours of the design project and a final oral examination on the project.

All students are required to take

  1. at least six (6) credit hours of mathematics;
  2. three (3) credit hours of laboratory-based courses;
  3. three (3) credit hours of special problems in Engineering application (design project);
  4. fifteen (15) credit hours in the option, and
  5. six (6) credit hours of electives with the consent of the advisor.

Master of Occupational Therapy

The Master of Occupational Therapy degree is open to students who obtain their undergraduate degree in Health Sciences from Tennessee State University as well as transfer students who have completed their undergraduate degree and the 9 prerequisite courses required. The MOT degree requires the completion of 74 graduate credit hours including twelve (12) credit hours of level II fieldwork experiences. The MOT program is offered by the College of Health Sciences.

  1. Completion of all course credit requirements (74)
  2. Successful completion of the comprehensive examination (taken during the second spring semester)
  3. Successful completion of both Level II Fieldwork experiences

Master of Professional Studies

This graduate professional studies degree consists of 33 hours of interdisciplinary coursework, including the completion of a professional project as the culminating experience.

Master of Public Administration

The Master of Public Administration degree is offered by the Institute of Government. Specific requirements are

  1. Completion of forty-two (42) semester hours with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 including a supervised internship of at least 300 hours which was approved in advance by the graduate programs coordinator of the department chair; or completion of thirty-six (36) semester hours with an internship exemption (evidence of relevant professional experience must be provided);
  2. Completion of nine core courses (27 semester hours); and,
  3. Successful completion of a written comprehensive examination, normally to be taken no earlier than the term in which the student’s course work is completed.

Master of Public Health

The Master of Public Health Program seeks to train professionals who will work to preserve and promote the health of local, state, national, and international populations through a focus on cultural competency.

A minimum of 30 semester hours of coursework must be completed in residency. Students may be allowed to take up to (9) credit hours without being fully admitted into the program. (Successful completion of the nine hours does not guarantee acceptance into the MPH program.)

Master of Science

The Master of Science degree program is available to all graduate students except those majoring in Teacher Education, Business Administration, Engineering, Public Administration, Criminal Justice, and Nursing. Requirements for this degree include a minimum of 30 graduate credit hours taken in residence, a thesis, and a final oral examination. In lieu of the thesis, students in Professional School Counseling may take a written comprehensive examination plus a minimum of thirty hours of course work.

This degree is offered in Agricultural Sciences; Biology; Chemistry; Computer and Information Systems Engineering; Computer Science; Food and Animal Sciences, Professional School Counseling; Psychology; Recreation; and Speech and Hearing Science.

Master of Science In Computer, Information, and Systems Engineering (CISE)

The M.S. degree in CISE is a unique degree program that integrates the areas of computer hardware, computer software, and systems engineering to prepare graduates with backgrounds in the development of computer integrated systems. The program requires a total of 30 semester credit hours which includes six hours of thesis and six hours of technical electives. A Non-thesis option under the MS in CISE requires a total of 33 semester credit hours which includes 12 hours of electives. No comprehensive exams are required for the non-thesis option but a written report and oral presentation are required (in a required course). Students seeking admissions must have a background in engineering or computer science or closely related areas. Students admitted conditionally must complete the prerequisite courses with a minimum cumulative average of 3.25 or better and do so before taking any graduate courses.

Master of Science in Computer Science

The Master of Science in Computer Science provides recent college graduates or college graduates who have had several years of professional life, an opportunity to enhance their careers and work on cutting-edge areas of computer science. The program offers two high-demand concentrations: (1) high-performance computing and bioinformatics, and (2) cyber-security and networking. Students can choose a non-thesis option (which requires completion of 33 credit hours of coursework) or a thesis option (which requires completion of 27 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of thesis).

Master of Science In Nursing

The Master of Science in Nursing Degree is offered with three concentrations, Holistic Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner, and Nursing Education. The Master of Science in Nursing Degree program is designed for both part-time and full-time students. The MSN Program provides flexible scheduling with evening and online learning options for part-time students. A nurse working full-time and attending graduate school part-time may complete the program in 6 semesters. The Master of Science in Nursing Degree with a Holistic Concentration is offered as an online degree program.

The purpose of the master’s degree program is to prepare nurses for advanced clinical practice and for nursing leadership positions in all types of primary health care settings. The goals of advanced practice nursing are to manage existing health problems, promote optimum health, provide resources and support to patients and their families, and to collaborate with other health professionals to coordinate care.

Master of Social Work

The Master of Social Work (MSW) is offered collaboratively by Austin Peay State University, Middle Tennessee State University, and Tennessee State University. Its mission is dedicated to the enhancement of human well-being, diversity, and social justice through developing and improving systems of public social services, especially for children and families, by offering graduate training in Social Work with a hybrid model of delivery.

The purpose of the Mid-Tennessee Collaborative Master of Social Work Program is to prepare students for Advanced Generalist Social Work Practice with systems of all types and sizes in both rural and urban areas, to prepare knowledgeable and competent professionals, and to provide leadership in the development of social delivery services, especially public social services.

The MSW requires the completion of 60 credit hours.

Professional Science Master’s

The Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Degree Program with a concentration in Applied Geospatial Information Sciences (AGIS) is offered within the College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Sciences (CAHNS) in collaboration with the College of Business and College of Public Services and Urban Affairs. Courses are delivered online with an on-ground required internship. The PSM Degree Program is a non-thesis offering and requires the completion of 36 semester credit hours. Students are trained in real-world situations through internships and theoretical principles through online courses. Students are acquired on-the-job experience with at least 300 internship hours under the immediate supervision of an AGIS practitioner.

Comprehensive Examinations for the M.Ed., M.P.A., M.P.H. and M.S. Non-Thesis Degrees

Candidates for the Master of Education degree are required to pass comprehensive examinations covering the professional field of Education and the general field of a major study, including minor courses and supportive areas.

Candidates for the M.P.A. degree are required to pass the comprehensive exam covering primary areas of the field as represented by the core courses.

Candidates for the M.A.Ed. and M.Ed., M.P.H., and M.S. non-thesis degrees are required to take a comprehensive examination in the general field of major study and supportive fields. The examinations are designed to test the student’s ability to apply principles, as well as the student’s skill in demonstrating sound scholastic and composition capabilities. It is, therefore, recommended that students remain current with the literature both in education and/or the field of major interest.

Regulations Governing the Administration of Comprehensive Evaluations: M.Ed., M.P.A., M.P.H., M.A.Ed., M.S. Non-Thesis, and MSW

  1. Students must file an application with their advisors and their department heads on a form (provided by the Graduate School) and no later than the date published by the Graduate School. (Applications must be accompanied by documentation of a Program of Study approved by the Graduate School.)
  2. The Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies will establish the date for submitting the examination results. Candidates should consult with their departments regarding the administration of the examination is administered.
  3. It is the responsibility of the student to familiarize himself or herself with the Graduate School Calendar, which is published in the Graduate Catalog.
  4. The examination shall be administered during the semester of graduation. Exceptions must be approved by Department Head. 
  5. The comprehensive examinations will be written, but where very unusual circumstances require it, the examination may be oral, or written and oral, if recommended by the Advisory Committee and approved by the Department Head, and the Dean of the School/College/Institute. (The Office of Disabled Student Services must approve requests for special accommodations.)
  6. Grades for the examinations will be filed in the School Office and in the Graduate School Office. The Graduate School will immediately inform the students of the results upon receipt of the grades from the School/College/Institute Dean.
  7. In the event that a student fails to pass the first examination, it may be recommended that the candidate be permitted to prepare for a re-examination. In this event, the student and the advisor will plan a program of study, including independent study, further course work, or both. Thus, the credit hours may be extended to accommodate the recommendation of the Advisor/Department Chair.
  8. A second failure by a candidate will require further prescribed study before re-examination is permitted.

Theses/Dissertations Submission Policy

The Graduate School began mandatory electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) submission policy with students graduating in the fall of 2007. All theses and dissertations must now be submitted electronically. Students are required to publish their manuscripts through ProQuest. Additional requirements and procedures governing the submission of ETDs are available at the Graduate School Theses and Dissertations web page.


Enrollment in thesis writing is permitted only after the student has been admitted to candidacy for the Master’s degree. Students who write theses must consult their academic advisor in the selection of an advisory (guidance) committee and an appropriate topic for investigation. The advisory committee consists of three (3) graduate faculty members, two of whom must be graduate faculty members of the department in which the degree is sought. The third member may be a member of the graduate faculty from a closely related department. This committee shall give general supervision to the candidate’s research and thesis writing. A proposal for the thesis is a formal process that involves a hearing before the advisory committee and which results in filing the appropriate proposal form with the graduate school.

Thesis students must submit the following forms electronically to the Graduate School with appropriate signatures at all levels (committee, department, and college): 

Deadlines for the proposal and final defense dates, sending signed forms, and uploading the approved manuscript to ETD ProQuest are found in the Graduate School Calendar.

The Final Oral Examination is conducted by the advisory committee. The emphasis of the examination shall be on the thesis and general information in the candidate’s field of concentration. The site of the oral examination is arranged by the chairperson of the advisory committee.

The thesis is to be prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Graduate School in the current edition of Guidelines for Preparing Dissertation, Theses, Projects, and Course Papers. The three approved formatting and style guides for writing dissertations are:

NOTE: The Purdue Online Writing Lab is a reputable source for guidance on graduate writing and subject-specific writing.

A student must register for thesis hours continuously until the thesis is complete. A reduction in fees for thesis registration occurs the second time a student registers, at which time the student registers for the “Thesis Continuation” section. A break in registration will result in “I” grades for Thesis hours becoming grades of “F”.

Educational Specialist Degree

The Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree program is a planned sequence of courses, in the field of Education, offered for students who wish to pursue course work beyond the Master’s degree. The Educational Specialist Degree is currently offered in area of Instructional Leadership. Please see the Catalog section for the Department of Educational Leadership for specific details of admission and degree requirements. The degree requires a minimum of thirty (33) hours credit beyond the Master’s degree.

Doctoral Degrees

Doctor of Education Degree

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree is offered in the areas of Educational Leadership, and Curriculum and Instruction.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is offered in Biological Sciences, Engineering and Computational Sciences, Psychology, and Public Administration. Please refer to the departmental sections of this Catalog for admission and degree requirements.

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

The Doctor of Physical Therapy degree is offered by the College of Health Sciences. Specific requirements for completing this program are:

  1. Completion of 114 hours including:
    1. Ninety-one, (91) semester hours of academic instruction.
    2. Twenty-three, (23) semester hours of clinical education.


Doctoral students must submit the following forms electronically to the Graduate School with appropriate signatures at all levels (committee, department, and college): 

Deadlines for the proposal and final defense dates, sending signed forms, and uploading the approved manuscript to ETD ProQuest are found in the Graduate School Calendar. The thesis is to be prepared in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Graduate School in the current edition of Guidelines for Preparing Dissertation, Theses, Projects, and Course Papers. The three approved formatting and style guides for writing dissertations are:

NOTE: The Purdue Online Writing Lab is a reputable source for guidance on graduate writing and subject specific writing.

All doctoral dissertations are to be prepared in accordance with the guidelines and regulations established by the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Open the Theses & Dissertations Submission Dates & Information web page for additional information regarding submission dates, forms to be completed, and the guidelines that govern how a manuscript is formatted and styled for publishing in ETD ProQuest.

After the first enrollment in dissertation credit, students shall continue to enroll in dissertation credit every semester until the dissertation is complete and accepted by the Graduate School. The number of dissertation hours required for the degree is stipulated in the departmental sections of this Catalog. When the student has accumulated the maximum number of dissertation credit hours allowed for a given program, the student shall register for “Dissertation Continuation” at a reduced fee. Students who fail to register each semester will be considered to have terminated their program and must reapply for admission. Registration and verification of registration are the responsibilities of the student.