Dec 17, 2024
2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
AGSC 5550 - Food Safety and Sanitation (3) This course introduces the scientific principles behind food safety and sanitation practices as well as practical and effective methods which can be implemented in a plant to keep products safe. The course will focus on: identification and control of potential microbiological and toxicological hazards in foods, sanitation in food processing facilities and, cleaning compounds, water supplies; waste product disposal; and food regulations. “Hands-on” problem-solving skills will be emphasized on conducting sanitation and HACCP audits in actual processing plants. Prerequisite(s): One year of any biology (BIOL 1110), one year of chemistry (CHEM 1110). Authorized equivalent courses or consent of instructor may be used in satisfying course pre- and co-requisites.