Dec 17, 2024
2021-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
NUFS 5560 - Functional Foods for Health (3) A course in nutrition with emphasis on functional foods and human chronic diseases prevention. The introductory material covers basic definitions of functional foods, nutraceuticals and human chronic diseases as well as major functional foods and their bioactive ingredients. The composition, chemistry and bioaccessibility and bioavailability of nutraceuticals as well as the current regulations of functional foods are reviewed. The second half of the course discusses various functional foods on human chronic diseases including cancer, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, diabetes, sarcopenia, aging, osteoporosis, skin disorders and infectious disease. Through lectures, tutorials and problem/solving exercises, students will learn the importance of chemical composition, bioavailability of nutraceuticals from various functional foods as well as the effects of these foods on human chronic diseases treatment and prevention. Prerequisite(s): NUFS 2110, CHEM 2010 or permission of instructor.