2023 - 2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BISI 3260 - Object-Oriented Programming 3 Current course description:
Provides an introduction to programming in the business environment using the dot net framework. Students will create user interfaces by selection and placement of objects on the user screen, set priorities on those objects, refine their appearance and behavior, and write code procedures to react to events that occur in the user interface. Prerequisite: BISI 2150.
Proposed course description:
This course introduces students to object-oriented programming concepts in the business environment. Topics include classes, objects, methods, graphical user-interfaces, inheritance, files etc. These concepts are emphasized through practical applications, examples and assignments using a popular object-oriented programming language such as Python, Java, C#, C++. (Prerequisite: BISI 3160).
Prerequisite(s): BISI 3160 CIP 32.52.0204.00