Feb 13, 2025  
2015-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Division of Enrollment Management

Undergraduate Admission

All inquiries about admission, applications for admission, and transcripts of credit should be addressed to the Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Tennessee State University, 3500 John Merritt Blvd., Nashville, TN 37209-1561. 

Freshman Admission

Applicants for admission to the freshman class should submit their application materials as early as possible in their senior year of high school. 

Applicants should request high schools to send transcripts including all semesters of high school credits as soon as grades are available. Applicants are requested to furnish supplementary records such as official high school transcripts showing proof of graduation and receipt of a diploma immediately following graduation. The high school transcript of Tennessee public high school graduates must also have proof that required proficiency examinations have been passed. 

The State of Tennessee as of July 1, 1998 requires new students and readmitted full-time students to provide proof of two doses of immunization with Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccines administered on or after their first birthday, unless they graduated from a Tennessee public high school in 1999 or later. Immunization forms will be mailed out to admitted students with their acceptance letter. An applicant will not be allowed to register for courses until the immunization requirements above are submitted. 

Admission will be granted to freshmen applicants who meet regular admission requirements and who hold a recognized high school diploma that includes a distribution of college preparatory courses, such as those required in the core elements of the Tennessee High School Diploma. These courses include the following: 

English - 4 Units 

Visual and/or Performing Arts, including a survey course or participation in one or more of the arts (music, dance, theatre, visual arts) - 1 Unit 

Algebra I and II - 2 Units 

Geometry or other advanced math course with geometry as a major component - 1 Unit 

Additional Unit of Math - 1 Unit 

Natural/Physical Sciences, including at least one unit, with lab, of Biology or Technology, chemistry, physics or Principles of Technology II - 3 Units 

Social Studies, including world history, ancient history, modern history, world geography, European History - 1 Unit 

*United States History - 1 Unit 
A single Foreign Language - 2 Units 

*Required by Tennessee Code Annotated 49-7-110. Students deficient in the completion of United States History are required to complete six semester hours of Unites State History or three semester hours of United State History and three semester hours of Tennessee History. 

Additional First-time Freshmen General Requirements 

  1. All students are required to submit an application for admission and a $25 non-refundable processing fee. Fee waivers are not accepted as a substitute for the processing fee. 
  2.  Any student desiring admission without conditions must have submitted an application, an application fee, and all documents (transcripts and ACT/SAT Test Scores) at least 45 days prior to the semester of intent. 
  3. All graduates of nonpublic high schools (i.e., private schools, home schools, and church related schools) must submit an official transcript from an affiliated organization as defined by law T.C.A. 49-50-801or be accompanied by a certification of registration with the superintendent of the local education agency which the student would have otherwise attended. Applicants who cannot provide a satisfactory secondary school credential must provide acceptable scores on the examination. 

Regular Admission In-State 

For regular admissions, an applicant must meet the following requirements 2015-2017

  1. ACT Score of 19 or 900 and above on the SAT, or 
  2. Minimum grade point average of 2.25 on a 4.00 system and 
  3. Must pass the Tennessee Proficiency Examination, and 
  4. Students who take the ACT: Subscores in English, Math, and Reading must be 13 or higher in 2 out of 3 of the subject areas; Students who take the SAT: Verbal Sub-Score must be 340 or higher and Math Subscore must be 270 or higher 

NOTE 1: ACT or SAT scores are required of all students under 21 years of age for advisement and placement purposes. 

NOTE 2: An applicant over the age of 21, who fails to meet the required grade point average may be admitted by attaining the required ACT score of 19. 

NOTE 3: Residency classification for fee-paying purposes determines whether the applicant is in-state or out-of-state. The children of graduates who live out-of-state are governed by in-state admissions requirements but are required to pay out-of-state tuition. 

Regular Admissions Out-of-State 

For regular admissions, an applicant must meet the following requirements for 2015-2017

  1. ACT Score of 19 or 900 and above on the SAT, or 
  2. Minimum grade point average of 2.50 on a 4.00 system and 
  3. Students who take the ACT: Subscores in English, Math, and Reading must be 13 or higher in 2 out of 3 of the subject areas; Students who take the SAT: Verbal Sub-Score must be 340 or higher and Math Subscore must be 270 or higher 

NOTE 1: ACT or SAT scores are required of all students under 21 years of age for advisement and placement purposes. 

NOTE 2: An applicant over the age of 21, who fails to meet the required grade point average may be admitted by attaining the required ACT score 19. 

NOTE 3: Residency classification for fee-paying purposes determines whether the applicant is in-state or out-of-state. The children of graduates who live out-of-state are governed by in-state admissions requirements but are required to pay out-of-state tuition. 

  1. Applicants will be given consideration for admission on a regulated basis if they meet the following requirements: 
    1. completed all State Board of Regents high school units but do not meet the required grade point average and/or test score; 
    2. deficient no more than two State Board of Regents high school units but meet and/or exceed an acceptable grade point average and/or test score. 
  2. Applicants admitted under regulated status must complete courses specified with grades of “C” or better. Such specified courses must be completed in the first two semesters and first summer of enrollment in order for the student to be continued in the University.
  3. Such regulated admissions must have the approval of the Director of Admissions. The number of students permitted to enroll in this category will not exceed five percent (5%) of the total number of first-time freshmen admitted in any given term, or 100 students, whichever is greater.

Admission Based on GED Test: 

Any applicant desiring admission based on the General Education Development Test must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Be 18 years of age. 
  2. Submit a GED Report showing a composite score of 600 or above (45 prior to January 2002 or 450 from January 2002-December 2013) with a passing notation. 
  3. Take the ACT/SAT. Applicants who are under 21 years of age and meet the required GED score must take the ACT/SAT. 
  4. GED recipients who are 21 or older must take the COMPASS. 

Admission Based on HiSet (HSE): 

Any applicant desiring admission based on the General Education Development Test must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Be 18 years of age. 
  2. Submit a HiSet showing a composite score of 45 or above with a passing notation. 
  3. Take the ACT/SAT. Applicants under 21 years of age and who meet the required HiSet score must take the ACT/SAT. 
  4. HiSet recipients who are 21 or older must take the COMPASS. 


All first-time freshman students under the age of twenty-one are required to submit their American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores as a condition for admission. ACT scores in Reading, Math and English are used to determine placement in college-level courses with or without learning support. First-time students over the age of twenty-one who do not have a valid ACT will take COMPASS for placement purposes. Diagnostic testing may also be required to determine learning support requirements. 

Transfer students who have not been previously assessed and who have not earned credits in college-level English composition or college-level, algebra-based mathematics must undergo COMPASS assessment in the appropriate area(s). Transfer students are not required to submit ACT/SAT scores, although they are encouraged to do so if they have valid scores, although they are encouraged to do so if they have valid scores. Diagnostic testing may also be required to determine learning support requirements. 

Non-degree students who have not completed the first college-level course in English or mathematics must undergo COMPASS assessment in the appropriate subject area in order to determine requirements for learning support with the college-level course. 

Students who are placed according to their ACT scores are exempt from COMPASS testing. Failure to abide by ACT or COMPASS placement will not be used as a basis for waiving requirements. 

If there are extenuating circumstances, a student may retake the COMPASS for a fee of $20, providing the student has taken no course work in the retest area. 

Advanced Placement Credit

The University will award advanced standing to entering freshmen based upon Advanced Placement Examination results. Scores of 3 to 5 will be awarded appropriate credit. 

Official copies of the Examination scores must be submitted by the testing agency to the Office of Admissions and Records. Refer to the following chart for credits awarded: 


History of Art ART 1012   3,4 3
Biology BIOL 1010, 1011 ,  BIOL 1120, 1121 , or BIOL 1030 w/lab 3 4
  BIOL 1110, 1111  & BIOL 1020, 1021  w/lab 4,5 8
Chemistry CHEM 1010 w/lab 3 3
Lang & Comp. ENGL 1010   3 3
  ENGL 1010  & ENGL 1020   4,5 6
French FREN 1010    3 3
  FREN 1010  & FREN 1020   4,5 6
Gov’t Politics POLI 2010   3 3
Comparative POLI 2010  & POLI 2040  4,5 6
European HIST HIST Elective 3 3
  HIST Elective 4,5 6
United States HIST 2010    3 3
  HIST 2010  & HIST 2020   4,5 6
World History HIST 1220 3 3
  HIST 1220 & HIST 2022  4,5 6
Calculus (ab) MATH 1830   3 3
  MATH 1830  & MATH 1140  4,5 6
Calculus (bc) MATH 1830  & MATH 1140 3 3
  MATH 1830 , MATH 1140 & MATH 1710   4,5 9
Theory MUSC 1010    3,4,5 2
Listen & Lit. MUSC 1400   3 3
  MUSC 1010  & MUSC 1400   4,5 5
Physics PHYS 2010 PHYS 2011   3 3
(B) Mechanics PHYS 2010 , PHYS 2011  & PHYS 2030 w/lab 4,5 6
  PHYS 2010 PHYS 2011   3 3
(C) Elect/Mag PHYS 3110, 3120   4,5 8
Language SPAN 2010   3 3
  SPAN 2010  & SPAN 1020   4,5 6
Computer Sci COMP 1210   3 3
CS (A) COMP 1210   3 3
CS (AB) COMP 1210  & COMP 2110  4,5 6
Economics ECON 2010   3 3
  ECON 2010  & ECON 2120  4,5 6
Spanish SPAN 2010   3 3
  SPAN 2010 SPAN 1020   4,5 4,5
Psychology PSYC 2010    3 3
  PSYC 2010  & PSYC 2100   4,5 6

Required Testing

Any or all students may be required to take one or more tests designed to measure general education achievement and achievement in major areas as a prerequisite to graduation, for the purpose of evaluation of academic programs. Unless otherwise provided for in an individual program, no minimum score or level or achievement is required for graduation. Participation in testing may be required of all students, of students in selected programs, and of students selected on a sample basis.

Early Admission

Students who wish to begin college at the end of their junior year may qualify under the following conditions:

  1. be at least 16 years of age;
  2. have completed the junior year of high school with a minimum of 14 high school units;
  3. have a 3.2 grade-point average on all work taken during grades 9, 10, and 11; 
  4. have a minimum ACT composite score of 22; 
  5. be recommended for participation in the program by either the high school principal or the guidance counselor; 
  6. taken and passed the Tennessee Proficiency Test. 

Dual Enrollment Policy 

Tennessee State University (TSU) offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn transferable university credit by taking classes at the main campuses, at off-campus locations, via distance education or at their own high school. This program allows students to complete entry level college courses and have them count for both high school and college credit. 

To be dually enrolled, an applicant must have completed their sophomore year in high school, be recommended by their high school principal or guidance counselor and have written parental permission, if the student is under 18 years of age. Students must complete the Tennessee State University admission process and must have taken the ACT, SAT, or PLAN prior to enrolling in the program (the COMPASS test cannot be administered to determine eligibility for this program). The PLAN will be used if the ACT or SAT has never been taken and the same ACT scores will be required on the PLAN. 

Students must also meet the following minimum credentials: 

  • Minimum composite ACT score of 19 or equivalent SAT score 
  • Minimum English ACT subscore of 18 (if taking English) 
  • Minimum Math ACT subscore of 19 (if taking Math) 
  • Minimum admissions index score of 100 (30 times the cumulative high school GPA [4.0 scale] plus the ACT score) or 
  • Successful completion of at least seven (7) of the required high school units. 

Students will be required to pay applicable tuition and fees for each course. To assist in defraying the cost of tuition and fees, students enrolling in a course for which college and high school credit will be earned are eligible for the dual lottery scholarship, which provides $100 per semester credit, up to $300 per term and $600 per academic year. The application can be found at Tennessee Dual Enrollment Grant Application.  


  1. Students who leave the University voluntarily and who do not enroll for courses during one or more regular semesters must submit an application for readmission to the university. Summer is not considered a regular semester in determining absence from the University. 
  2. Students who return to TSU after attending other colleges or universities must submit an application for readmission and a transcript from all institutions attended since leaving TSU. Applicants in this category need a grade point average equal to TSU’s retention standards when all courses attempted at all colleges are combined. 
  3. Re-enrollees who wish to attend TSU after being suspended should follow items 1 and 2 above as well as the following: 
    1. Students who receive their first suspension at the end of the fall semester may not register at TSU until the following summer. 
    2. Students receiving their first suspension at the end of the spring semester will not be eligible to re-enroll until the following spring semester. 
    3. Students receiving their first suspension at the end of the summer session will not be eligible to re-enroll until the following spring semester. 
    4. Students who attend another accredited institution during their suspension from TSU and raise their cumulative GPA to meet TSU’s retention standards will be allowed to re-enroll at TSU. 
  4. In determining retention and re-enrollment, Summer I and Summer II grades will be as one term. 

Transfer Students 

All students seeking advanced standing must submit official transcripts of all college credit earned. A student will be considered a transfer student if any college work has been taken at another institution. 

All transfer applicants must: 

  1. Submit two official transcripts from each college/university attended. 
  2. Submit an official COMPASS report, if applicable. 
  3. Have a GPA (based on all courses attempted at Tennessee Board of Regents colleges/universities) equal to TSU’s retention standards. 
  4. Have a minimum 2.00 GPA, for out-of-state college/university. 
  5. Take the COMPASS subtest in Mathematics and/or English if the ACT (Enhanced) subscore(s) in the subject(s) is not acceptable or if college credit has not been earned in English and/or Mathematics. Transfer students with 60 or more hours of transfer credit are exempt from University Orientation if they have not attempted Math and/or English. 
  6. Students who have taken remedial and/or developmental courses at a non-TBR institution must undergo COMPASS assessment. However, if they transfer remedial and/or developmental course work which is equivalent to that offered at the University, the course(s) for which the transfer course is equivalent will be waived. Remedial and developmental courses transferred from other TBR institutions are automatically accepted. 

To qualify for admission by transfer from a Tennessee Board of Regents community college or university in the State of Tennessee, a student must meet the following grade-point average requirements: 

0-15 Not less than 1.5 cumulative average
16-30 Not less than 1.7 cumulative average
31-45 Not less than 1.8 cumulative average
46-59 Not less than 1.9 cumulative average
Above 60 hours Not less than 2.0 cumulative average

To qualify for admission by transfer from an out-of-state college or university, a student must have, as a minimum, an overall 2.00 grade-point average. The 2.0 GPA also applies to in-state colleges/universities not in TBR system. Credits earned by students who are Tennessee residents attending TBR community college and universities in Tennessee will be accepted toward degree programs on the same basis as work taken on the campus of Tennessee State University. 

The Transfer Evaluation Process

The Office of the Registrar at Tennessee State University evaluates transfer credits for students who clear TSU admission criteria, and who have declared a major. Transfer evaluations will not be completed for students with an admission status of transient or special. The complete files of students that have cleared the transfer admissions process will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation. Each file is processed individually, reviewing institutional catalogs and conferring with the Academic Departments for specific course equivalencies. 

Tennessee State University accepts transfer credit from institutions of higher learning based upon the following considerations: 

  1. The educational quality of the institution from which the student transfers; 
  2. The comparability of the nature, content , and level of credit earned to that offered by TSU and 
  3. The appropriateness and applicability of the credit earned to the programs offered by TSU in light of the student’s educational goals. 

All transfer Hours Attempted, Hours Earned, Quality Points and Grade Point averages earned at other colleges and universities are included in the TSU academic record. When posting transfer courses to the TSU record, all transfer courses are converted to TSU’s grading scale and repeat policy. If the previous institution uses a different symbol such as X or Y or any other alpha character or symbol, but the meaning is the same as I, F, at TSU, it will be treated the same and calculated in the GPA. 

Students may earn college credit with grades of “P” for acceptable scores from non-traditional credit: 

  • Advance placement 
  • CLEP 
  • DSST 
  • Military Service 

Under normal circumstances Tennessee State University does not accept credit from non-regionally accredited institutions of higher learning and students may be asked to provide information to determine the comparability of content and level of credit presented as transfer to that credit offered by TSU. Petition may be made by submitting the Application for Acceptance of Transfer Credit Form available in the Registrar’s Office. Credit may be awarded only after review and approval by the appropriate academic department chair of the academic department in which the course is taught and approval of the academic dean of the college in which the course is taught. The application must be completed during the first term at Tennessee State University. 

Students who feel that they are competent in certain subject areas are encouraged to earn credit through a nationally recognized credit-by-examination program or through departmental credit-by-examination programs at TSU. 

NOTE: All universities and community colleges in the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) system share a common set minimum requirements for baccalaureate degrees or associate degrees designed for transfer. 

NOTE:TSU honors the completion of DSP requirements from any TBR institution regardless of credit hours assigned individual courses or interventions used to complete the DSP requirements. Successful completion of DSP requirements from non-TBR institutions is demonstrated through COMPASS testing. 

Reverse Transfer 

Tennessee Reverse Transfer is a process that allows early transfer students to combine their four-year college credits with community college credits to receive an associate degree. Students must have attended a Tennessee community college and be enrolled in a participating Tennessee four-year institution. For more information, contact the Office of Student Support Services for Adult and Distance Learners at (615) 963-7001/adultstudentsupport@tnstate.edu or the Office of Records at (615) 963- 5101. 

Faculty Advising 

You are encouraged to obtain faculty advising with regard to your degree plan prior to your first term at TSU and then each term thereafter. This will ensure that you do not enroll in the wrong courses or take them in the wrong order. By the end of your sophomore year, you should work with your advisor to fill out a “Program of Study Form” which details the courses you have completed and those yet to be completed for your major. 

To obtain a faculty advisor, contact the department where you intend to major. 

Transfers with Associate Degrees

If a transfer student has earned an associate degree, the student must meet the following general education requirements: 

  1. 9 quarter or 6 semester hours of English composition (must earn grade of “C” or better) 
  2. 12 quarter or 9 semester hours of humanities ( to include at least 6 quarter or semester hours of literature) 
  3. 9 quarter or 6 semester hours of American or Tennessee History 
  4. 12 quarter or 8 semester hours of natural/physical sciences with labs 
  5. 6 quarter or 3 semester hours of mathematics 
  6. 9 quarter or 6 semester hours of social and behavioral sciences 
  7. 6 quarter or 3 semester hours of oral communication 

Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Common Catalog Statement Regarding General Education 

Effective Fall Semester 2004, all institutions in the State University and Community College System of Tennessee (the Tennessee Board of Regents System) will share a common lower-division freshman and sophomore general education core curriculum of forty-one (41) semester hours for baccalaureate degrees and the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degree. 

The courses composing the general education curriculum are contained within the following subject categories: 

Baccalaureate Degrees* 

Subject Area Credit Hours
Communication 9**
Humanities and/or Fine Arts (including at least 3 hours in literature) 9
Social/Behavioral Sciences 6
History 6
Natural Sciences 8
Mathematics 3
Total 41

*Foreign language courses are an additional requirement for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. The B.A. degree requires proficiency in a foreign language equivalent to completion of two years of college-level work. 

Courses designated to fulfill general education requirements by Tennessee State University are published in the Undergraduate Catalog. A complete listing of the courses fulfilling general education requirements for all TBR institutions is available on the web site (www.tbr.state.tn.us) under Transfer and Articulation Information. 

All other students seeking advanced standing will be admitted to Tennessee State University provided they meet the minimum requirement of a 2.00 grade-point average. All transfer grades will be used in computing the average required for admission. Students transferring from a junior or community college must complete an additional minimum of 60 hours credit for the bachelor’s degree at TSU. Furthermore, any student dismissed from a college or university for academic reasons must be eligible to re-enter that institution prior to acceptance at TSU. 

Credit earned at other colleges and universities (accredited/non-accredited) will be assigned by the Office of Admissions once the student is admitted. The University does not grant upper division credit (3000-4000 level courses) for lower division work transferred from community or junior colleges. In addition, no upper division credit will be granted for any lower division credit transferred from any other university or college; any exceptions to this particular provision must be approved by the Office of Admissions and Records and the appropriate department chair. 

The Records Office will provide all transfer students an equivalency evaluation of all transfer credit during the first semester of enrollment at the University. All transfer credits from institutions not on the semester system will be converted to semester credits. Cumulative averages are computed on the basis of A equals 4 quality points for each credit hour. 

Specific questions regarding transfer credit should be addressed to the Records Office and the appropriate department chair. 

Transient Students

A transient student is one who is regularly enrolled in another college or university and who desires admission for a limited period, usually one semester. The transient student is required to submit a regular application for admission and to furnish an official transcript and a letter of good standing from the college or university Registrar’s Office in which he/she is enrolled. The transient student who wishes to become a regular student must file an appropriate application and meet the same requirements for admission as a transfer student. 

Transient students who have taken the COMPASS at other TBR institutions and who have not yet completed required courses must abide by test placement results. 

Advanced Standing

Students who are eligible may establish advanced standing through approved examination programs and educational experiences in the armed services. Students are awarded a grade of “P” for credit received. Transcripts, military documents, and original score reports must be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records for evaluation and review. Approved programs are: 

  1. College Level Examination Programs (CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination Board 
  2. DSST Standardized Tests administered by Educational Testing Service 
  3. Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board 
  4. Military training courses in the Armed Services of the United States as recommended by the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services published by the Commission on Educational Credit of the American Council on Education. For evaluation purposes: 
    1. U.S. Army Veterans should present the Army/ACE Registry transcript. (ARTS); 
    2. U.S. Air Force Veterans should present a Community College of the Air Force transcript. 

The DD214 or other official documentation should be submitted to support request for credits via A and B above. 

Adult Special Student

This category is typically designed to serve the interests of adults who do not wish to pursue a degree at the present, but who wish to receive academic credit. An individual may be admitted subject to the following provisions: 

  1. He or she must hold a high school diploma or the equivalent and meet the requirement for admissions. 
  2. He or she may complete a maximum of 36 semester hours credit at TSU in this category. After receiving 36 hours, the applicant, to continue enrolling at TSU, must apply for regular classification and must meet transfer admission requirements. 
  3. He or she must take the COMPASS sub-test in English and/or Math before enrolling in these college-level courses unless the applicant has been placed by a valid ACT/SAT. If the student’s ACT places him/her in college preparatory courses rather than in college-level courses, the student may take the COMPASS to challenge such placement for a fee of $20. 

Special Student (Audit) 

Any person who is 18 years of age or older and wishes to take a course but receive no credit (audit) may do so by applying at the Admissions Office. Regular registration fees will be charged for auditing courses. Registration is on a space available basis. Students cannot audit developmental courses. 

60-Year-Old/Disabled (Audit) Student 

Applicants who are 60 years old or older or permanently and totally disabled (T.C.A., Section 49-3251), and domiciled in Tennessee are required to pay the $15 application fee but are not required to pay registration fees if they audit courses. Proof of age or disability is required (proof of disability is required annually). Registration is on a space-available basis. Regular registration fees will be charged for credit courses. 

65-Year-Old/Disabled Credit Student 

Persons 65 years of age or older or permanently and totally disabled persons (T.C.A., Section 49-3251) who are domiciled in Tennessee may register for classes on a space available basis for credit, paying a minimum registration fee. The cost is one-half the semester hour rate up to a maximum of $75. An application fee of $15 is required. The applicant must be a high school graduate or the equivalent, and the applicant must submit proof of age or disability (proof of disability is required annually). 

International Students

International students with superior scholastic records are considered for admission as freshmen and as transfer students. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to submit a test score of 500 as the minimum acceptance level of performance on the Test of English as a Foreign Language, (TOEFL) or 80% on The Michigan Test. Students who have ACT/SAT equivalent score will be placed according to these scores. Students who have not had college-level English and/or Math must undergo COMPASS testing. Applicant must:

  1. Submit requested information at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the semester of enrollment. 
  2. Submit official TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language) scores. 
  3. Submit a Notarized Affidavit of support and bank statement. These documents must not be older than six (6) months prior to desired semester of enrollment. 
  4. Submit official transcripts from each educational institution and examination certificate (0 levels). 
  5. Proof of a current physical examination. 
  6. Submit official transcripts from colleges/universities attended in the United States. 
  7. Copies of Visa and Alien Registration card. 
  8. Take the ACT/SAT test. 

If complete documents are not on file by this deadline, the application will be considered for the next scheduled registration period. The application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $25. 

New Student Orientation and First Year Students

All new students are required to participate in new student orientation programs and activities held prior to enrollment in the university. New student orientation sessions are offered to first-time students entering in the fall and spring semesters. New student orientation programs are designed to facilitate the transition of new students into the university and to acclimate new students to the campus community by providing opportunities that promote student learning and development. New student orientation programs prepare new students for university life by offering sessions on financial aid, campus technology, academic advisement, and registration. 

Other new student orientation programs and activities include New Student Convocation, which is a ceremony that celebrates the entry of new students into the university, and Welcome Week, which provides additional opportunities for students to obtain information about academic and student support services, establish relationships with faculty, staff, and students, and become familiar with the campus. First-year student programs support the progression and retention of new students through various initiatives and programs that address both academic and social adjustment issues. 

Educational Consortium TSU/MTSU 

Tennessee State University and Middle Tennessee State University have joined in an educational consortium to provide advantages available to undergraduate students enrolled at each institution. The procedures for TSU students seeking to register for MTSU courses are as follows: 

  1. Obtain advisement and approval from academic department. 
  2. Obtain an “Agreement for Admission and Registration” form from TSU Records Office. 
  3. Complete top of form. 
  4. Have form approved and signed by the Records Office. 
  5. Register at TSU for TSU courses, pay fees. 
  6. Present form to Admissions and Records personnel at MTSU. 
  7. Register for courses at MTSU and present TSU receipt, pay additional fees to MTSU, if any. 

Cross -Town Enrollment in the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps

Educational institutions within Nashville and the surrounding area having a Cross-town Agreement with Tennessee State University may allow their students to enroll in the university’s 

AFROTC Program. These students are eligible to receive all benefits, privileges, and scholarships as fully enrolled TSU students. At present, Vanderbilt University, Middle Tennessee State University, Fisk University, David Lipscomb College, Western Kentucky, Trevecca Nazarene College, Belmont College, Volunteer State Community College, and Meharry Medical College, Aquinas Junior College have such agreements with the University. 

Immunization Requirements 

The State of Tennessee as of July 1, 1998 requires students entering and returning to colleges and universities provide proof of two doses of immunization with Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccines administered on or after the first year of birth. Students will not be allowed to register for courses until immunization forms are filed in the TSU Student Health Services department. If additional information is desired contact the Queen Washington Health Center at (615) 963-5291. The General Assembly of the State of Tennessee mandates that each public or private postsecondary institution in the state provide information concerning hepatitis B infection to all students entering the institution for the first time. Those students who will be living in campus housing must also be informed about the risk of meningococcal meningitis infection. Tennessee law requires that students complete and sign a waiver form provided by the institution of Disease Control and the American College Health Association. The law does not require that students receive vaccination for enrollment, but, however requires students to provide a signed copy of the waiver form to TSU Student Health Services, 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., P.O. Box 9528, Nashville, TN 37209-1561 or fax to (615) 963-5084. 

Residency Classification

The Admissions Office is charged with the determination of a student’s residency status for fee-paying purposes and as the basis for some University admission requirements. Classification is determined by information submitted on the admission application and/or application for re-classification. Notification in writing is made soon after the student applies for re-classification. The deadline dates are: 

Summer Session April 1
Fall Semester July 1
Spring Semester November 1 

Students seeking a change in residency based on the “Work Rule” must: 

  1. Complete the Change in Residency Application. 
  2. Submit required documentation as outlined in the Residency Application. 
  3. Submit most recent copy or copies of check stubs. 
  4. Have a letter of verification relative to work status (full-time/part-time) forwarded on official letterhead by employer. 

Students seeking a change in permanent residency must: 

  1. Complete the Change in Residency Application. 
  2. Submit required documentation as outlined in the Residency Application. 
  3. Submit copy of income taxes and proof of full-time employment in TN for at least 1 year prior to enrollment 

All decisions are based on regulations established by the Tennessee State Board of Regents, with the intent that all Tennessee public institutions of higher education apply uniform classification rules. Should a student be denied in-state classification, the student has the right of appeal. The appeal steps are: 

  1. Director of Admissions 
  2. Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Support Services 
  3. President of the University 
  4. Tennessee State Board of Regents 

Information for Veterans, Dependent Children and War Orphans 

Persons eligible to receive Veterans Educational benefits may obtain information and applications from the Records Office. 

Credit by Examination 

Students who have mastered knowledge and skills covered in a college level course may earn degree credit for that course through taking either standard or local examinations. Standard examinations offered are CLEP (College Level Examination Program and DSST (Dantes Subject Standard Test). Local examinations are generated by faculty in the department which offers the course. 

Local examinations are not generated where a department has adopted use of either CLEP or DSST. A listing of adopted standard examinations and the equivalent TSU courses follows this narrative. Standard examinations are graded by the agency which supplies the test. Local examinations are graded by TSU faculty. 

Each department determines for which of its courses credit by examination is appropriate. Each department also determines if it will accept credit by examination for its majors. Because of content, performance or other requirements, not all courses readily lend themselves to the credit by examination process. 

A student who wishes to earn credit by examination begins the process through discussion with his/her department chair. The department chair will provide written instructions on the credit by examination process for both standard and locally generated examinations. The Testing Center (963-5991) may be contacted for additional information. 

Academic credit attained through CLEP Subject Area Examinations and DSST will be given to TSU students provided: 

  1. Scores are equal to or greater than the required minimum score shown in the accompanying Credit by Standard Examination table. 
  2. CLEP and DSST credit do not duplicate any college credit counted for admission. 
  3. Credit earned through CLEP and DSST will be entered on the student’s permanent record but will not be computed the grade point average. 
  4. A maximum of 33 semester hours may be gained through a combination of College Level Examinations, DSST and examinations for credit. 
  5. These examinations may not be taken to repeat course work or to remove a grade of “F” or “I”. 
  6. Certain CLEP exams earn credit for two TSU courses; students who have already earned credit for one of the two courses with a grade of C or above are eligible to take the CLEP exam to earn credit for the second course. 
  7. Examinations for credit may not be used for: 
    1. research or independent study courses, 
    2. any course work from which the student has been exempted 
    3. repeating of courses 
    4. removal of deficiency grades 
    5. any course in which the student is currently enrolled 
    6. any course which the student attempted or was enrolled in for four or more weeks prior to withdrawal 
  8. The examination must be completed and the recorded 
  9. results must be received by the Office of Admissions and Records according to the following schedule: 
    • Regular Semester (prior to the end of the 9th week of classes). 
    • Summer Sessions I & II (prior to the end of the 3rd week of classes). 

To register for a CLEP or DSST exam go to www.tnstate.edu/testing

Minimum Scores Required on CLEP and DANTES (DSST) Examinations
University Course Title/Number Credit Hours CLEP Subject Exam Title Minimum Score
BIOL 1110, 1111  BIOL 1120, 1121   8 hrs. Biology 50
BIOL 1010, 1011 , BIOL 1020, 1021   8 hrs. Natural Sciences 50
BLAW 3230   3 hrs. Business Law 51
CHEM 1110, 1111 , CHEM 1120, 1121   8 hrs. Chemistry 50
ECON 2010    3 hrs. Macroeconomics, Prin. of 50
ECON 2020   3 hrs. Microeconomics, Prin. of 50
ENGL 1010 ENGL 1020   6 hrs. College Composition 50
ENGL 2210 , ENGL 2230   6 hrs. English Literature 50
ENGL 2110 , ENGL 2120   6 hrs. American Literature 50
FREN 1010 , FREN 1020   6 hrs. French Language 50
FREN 2010 , FREN 2020   6 hrs. French Language 62
HIST 1000      3 hrs. Global Culture in History 50
HIST 2010   3 hrs. History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 50
HIST 2020   3 hrs. History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present 50
HIST 2050   3 hrs. World History I 50
HIST 2060   3 hrs. World History II 50
HIST 2700   3 hrs. African American Experience 50
MGMT 3010   3 hrs. Management, Principles of 50
MKTG 3010   3 hrs. Marketing, Principles of 50
MATH 1110     3 hrs. College Algebra 55
MATH 1910 , MATH 1920   8 hrs. Calculus 50
PSYC 2010   3 hrs. American Government 50
PSYC 2010   3 hrs. Introductory Psychology 55
PSYC 3730 3 hrs. Educational Psychology 50
SPAN 1010 SPAN 1020   6 hrs. Spanish Language 50
SPAN 2010 , SPAN 2020   6 hrs. Spanish Language 66
SOCI 2010   3 hrs. Introductory Sociology 50
University Course Title/Number Credit Hours DANTES Exam Title Minimum Score
ACCT 2010   3 hrs. Principles of Financial Accounting 50
ECON 3200   3 hrs. Money and Banking 50
FINA 3300   3 hrs. Principles of Finance 50
MGMT 1010    3 hrs. Introduction to Business 50
MGMT 3010   3 hrs. Organizational Behavior 50

Academic Fresh Start 

Academic Fresh Start is available to re-admitted student who were formally enrolled in the institution as well transfer students who meet institutional requirements for admission and who have been separated from all institutions of higher education for a minimum of four (4) years. This program allows eligible students whose academic performance was unsatisfactory during earlier college attendance to disregard grades earned. A student who has not attended any institution of higher education for the past four years is eligible to participate in Academic Fresh Start. Courses taken and previously failed may be excluded from the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA). Courses with a D grade may also be excluded from the calculation when a grade of C or better is required in the student’s current major. GPA and credit hours will reflect courses for which passing grades were earned and retained. The student’s permanent record will remain a record of all work. It is the responsibility of the student to adhere to the process and to submit the required Fresh Start application. A student may be granted Fresh Start only once. 

To qualify for Academic Fresh Start, the applicant must: 

  1. Have been separated from all collegiate institutions for at least four (4) years at the time of admission or readmission to the University. 
  2. File a formal application with the Tennessee State University Office of the Registrar (this application may be submitted any time after your readmission or admission as a degree seeking student). 
  3. Submit official college transcripts from institutions attended other than Tennessee State University. 
  4. Not hold any college degree. 

Academic Affairs Support Activities 

Child Care Centers 

The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences operates two centers: the Early Learning Center on the Main Campus and the Child Care Center on the Avon Williams Campus. The Child Care Center provides convenient, dependable and professional child care for students, staff and faculty while attending classes on the Avon Williams (downtown) Campus and the main campus, when feasible. The program currently operates during the evening hours, Monday through Thursday. Children three years of age and older are eligible for enrollment. There is a non-refundable registration fee of $5 for first-time enrollment. The fee is per hour, per child, with a $.50 reduction per hour for the second and third child. Parents are billed monthly. 

The Early Learning Center, located in the Frederick S. Humphries Consumer Sciences and Nursing Education Complex, is based upon a strong commitment to quality education for children and for the University students it serves. The philosophy of the program is derived from a combination of the major theories of child development: Jean Piaget for cognitive development; Erik Erikson and Burton White for social-emotional development. The program is based on the assumption that preparation for intelligent and independent thought begins in the preschool years, and practice in productive thinking is necessary for that to occur. 

The program is also based upon the assumption that children are unique individuals developing in stages at different rates. The Center on the main campus is open Monday-Friday, during the school sessions/semesters. Four methods of fee payments are available. For information about the programs, call 963-5601 (both centers) Department of Family and Consumer Sciences or 963-7286 (Avon Williams Campus Child Care Center) or 963-5591 (Early Learning Center Main Campus).