2015-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
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Hamid R. Hamidzadeh, Ph.D., Department Chair
ET 136 A. P. Torrance Hall
(615) 963-5391
Faculty: M. Akbar, W. Joe, L. Onyebueke, A. Shirkhodaie.
General Statement: The Mechanical Engineering program systemically builds upon the knowledge acquired in the study of the physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences to provide the student with a broad base in the various areas of mechanical and manufacturing engineering, and prepares them for careers in the private and public sectors and/or to pursue graduate study. Students may orient their program toward the mechanical design or manufacturing engineering or thermal-fluid systems design.
Mission Statement
The Department is committed to provide the students with a dynamic academic and professional foundation enabling them to shape the future advancement of knowledge in the areas of mechanical and manufacturing engineering and to contribute to the economic growth and well-being of both the state and the nation.
The educational objectives for the department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering are as follows:
- The graduate, as a practicing engineer, has the proficiency in the implications of design decisions for mechanical, as well as thermal components and systems.
- The graduate is prepared for positions of leadership in the industry with proven records of functioning independently, and in multicultural and interdisciplinary teams.
- The graduate demonstrates a higher professional engineering aptitude by means of career advancement and/or positions with increasing responsibilities.
- The graduate demonstrates professionalism and ethical conduct with an understanding of the engineer’s responsibility to society and environment.
- The graduate demonstrates an understanding of the need for life-long learning by making progress toward professional development: industrial training courses, achieving an advanced degree or engineering certification.
- The graduate is an effective engineer with a strong ability to model, synthesize and analyze problems, think creatively, and communicate effectively.
- The graduate can demonstrate adaptability to rapid engineering changes in the workplace with an awareness of global influences on engineering practices and business acumen.
The outcomes of the program require that the graduating students demonstrate the following abilities:
- Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
- Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as, to analyze and interpret data
- Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturing, and sustainability
- Ability to function in multidisciplinary teams
- Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities
- Ability to communicate effectively
- The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
- Recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in life-long learning
- Knowledge of contemporary issues
- Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
ProgramsMajorCoursesMechanical Engineering
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